Tuesday, August 19, 2008

ok i'm really really REALLY tired. and i want to (or rather have to) get going on that damned econs IA. but i can't! because she hasn't replied yet, and i don't know if my latest batch of SEVEN articles contains at least one suitable one. ah well, don't really blame her lah...boy, she really seems quite stressed out these days. got a bit er, emotional today as well..=S

IOP, EE, TOK. these initials have been ever present on my to-do list. now, i'm really getting quite sick of staring at these groan-inducing letters man. damn it. not forgetting the periodic IA. damn all you blasted thingies. like millstones round my neck. ok i've forgetten where i heard that from, just suddenly occurred to me.

ah well, there's always brilliant/ownage/lovely/terrific/out of this world/fantastic musics from westlife, craig david etc etc to soothe me a little i guess. here are some completely random pictures for er, ogling pleasure :p

ok i realize this may actually come across as very very gay :/ ah well, whatever man. i mean, just go see for yourself. so pro!







get the idea?

arghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! work work work!!

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