Sunday, August 31, 2008

wow, i can barely come to terms with this stunning revelation. ok it's not really a bolt from the blue, but today, i was reminded of my ever increasing fondness for this traditionally quintessentially feminine activity commonly described as retail therapy. yes folks, yes i know, i know. this is starting to appear, well, feminine. but no way man, i'm straighter than a, uhh, flagpole/pencil. i dunno, it's just that of late, i've been experiencing this feeling whenever i enter a mall, shop, whatever, with the intention to purchase something. it's kinda hard to describe the feeling you know, like, this thrill perhaps, of potentially chancing upon a certain item of intrinsic beauty, of unique, indescribable appeal. ok i realize it seems quite spastic raving and gushing about stuff like clothes, like, wth they're just pieces of fabric lying around. but, i dunno lah, just some sensation engulfing me whenever i set out to look for stuff i like. this rush of tingling pleasure, engulfing the soul, stoking the flames of innermost desires.. behold the smooth curves, the sharp lines of the object of desire, encapsulating and enhancing the form of the body....

ah well, i guess it's just some 'growing up' thingy the grown ups like to talk about. i certainly wasn't like that years ago. not so fussy and choosy about the way i dress, didn't pay much attention to the way i carried myself and the impression i made on others. now, good grief, so much attention to detail. so much more time and effort put into stuff like painstakingly moulding and sculpturing the image i depict of myself, so conscious of the impression i leave on others etc etc. and i think a lot of this is somehow translated into my quest for perfect dressing, and i consequently spend a lot more time (and effort) in stores nowadays.

just a little take-pause-and-reflect moment.

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