wow, i can barely come to terms with this stunning revelation. ok it's not really a bolt from the blue, but today, i was reminded of my ever increasing fondness for this traditionally quintessentially feminine activity commonly described as retail therapy. yes folks, yes i know, i know. this is starting to appear, well, feminine. but no way man, i'm straighter than a, uhh, flagpole/pencil. i dunno, it's just that of late, i've been experiencing this feeling whenever i enter a mall, shop, whatever, with the intention to purchase something. it's kinda hard to describe the feeling you know, like, this thrill perhaps, of potentially chancing upon a certain item of intrinsic beauty, of unique, indescribable appeal. ok i realize it seems quite spastic raving and gushing about stuff like clothes, like, wth they're just pieces of fabric lying around. but, i dunno lah, just some sensation engulfing me whenever i set out to look for stuff i like. this rush of tingling pleasure, engulfing the soul, stoking the flames of innermost desires.. behold the smooth curves, the sharp lines of the object of desire, encapsulating and enhancing the form of the body....
ah well, i guess it's just some 'growing up' thingy the grown ups like to talk about. i certainly wasn't like that years ago. not so fussy and choosy about the way i dress, didn't pay much attention to the way i carried myself and the impression i made on others. now, good grief, so much attention to detail. so much more time and effort put into stuff like painstakingly moulding and sculpturing the image i depict of myself, so conscious of the impression i leave on others etc etc. and i think a lot of this is somehow translated into my quest for perfect dressing, and i consequently spend a lot more time (and effort) in stores nowadays.
just a little take-pause-and-reflect moment.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
teachers' day celebration yesterday was well, quite cool haha. well, moderately fun lah. i mean, it was a good deviation from the humdrum of usual school life i guess. a welcome change and laid back atmosphere. i like the positive vibes =)
but the aces day thing was really stupid lah, seriously, i think it's ridiculous. if i'm not wrong, ACES stands for All Children Exercising Simultaneously. now, there's something very wrong here. i've got no idea why 17 year olds, or even 13 year olds in year 1 for that matter, are made to participate in some childish-looking activity that's meant for 'children'. i'm thinking, based on this, we should still be celebrating children's day, all the way till year 6 then! such fantasies aside, i sincerely find this annual walk pretty inconsiderate to the poor residents along the likes of maidstone road, link road, sandwich road etc. (yes i know those roads have kinda queer names, but that's besides the point.) imagine having to put up with the din of a whole school of roaring, stomping, excitable young people marching past your backyard once a year. ok, it's only once a year, but still. i would think part of the reason for choosing to live there would be the tranquil and laid back atmosphere of the area. bet they didn't count on a nearby school descending upon them as part of a yearly ritual when they moved in! and then, there's also the problem of gridlock along the roads. every ten minutes, we encounter some poor driver trying desperately to inch past the mass of human bodies who seem to have forgetten that roads were built for vehicles. consequently, the teachers would start yelling, 'keep to the left, KEEP TO THE LEFT!' which of course, further contributes to the ruckus.
apart from that, well, the day was pretty ok i guess? the one hour block of lessons was, according to ms ho, supposed to be used for the first one hour of lessons of the day, even though it was at 9. that would make it econs. but apparently, it was supposed to be the lesson at 9 instead. anyway, some of us just stayed in class, and the other econs class, which was scheduled at 9, arrived. so well, econs all the same. it's just one of those things in life haha. and the teacher didn't care about a few extra beings present. and haha, of course we didn't mind too =D =) even more reason to stay in class lol XD
concert was quite cool, quite wacky as per normal, but there was this video featuring one of the 'year 7s' thanking the teachers with so much emotion that i found it a little out of place in the light of the celebratory and upbeat mood. just a little thought.
after the concert, teachers were whisked away somewhere for some teachers' lunch thingy. lesson learnt here: give teachers their presents asap, at the start of the day! =/ anyways, i had some fun catching up with some old friends. funny how teachers' day ends up also serving the purpose of some old boys' gathering haha. and of course, i really enjoyed that small little tiny outing. nothing really significant or special, just a quick outing with a simple lunch thrown in, but indeed, it's who that really counts, not so much where or what. it was just a little something, but thanks for the company and for just being with me! i really enjoyed myself and i really appreciate such little moments of talks and sharing =D
well then, arsenal facing newcastle today. i must admit, yes coach, newcastle do look much improved from last season. i think kevin keegan has settled down and made his mark. they seem more solid, and also appear to have the grit to grind out results even when not playing that well. but then again, they just lost james milner to aston villa, so well, we'll see. i think samir nasri has started his arsenal career really brightly and lets hope he keeps it up. interesting match ahead, and all the best, gunners! aim well, and shoot down all the magpies from the trees!
but the aces day thing was really stupid lah, seriously, i think it's ridiculous. if i'm not wrong, ACES stands for All Children Exercising Simultaneously. now, there's something very wrong here. i've got no idea why 17 year olds, or even 13 year olds in year 1 for that matter, are made to participate in some childish-looking activity that's meant for 'children'. i'm thinking, based on this, we should still be celebrating children's day, all the way till year 6 then! such fantasies aside, i sincerely find this annual walk pretty inconsiderate to the poor residents along the likes of maidstone road, link road, sandwich road etc. (yes i know those roads have kinda queer names, but that's besides the point.) imagine having to put up with the din of a whole school of roaring, stomping, excitable young people marching past your backyard once a year. ok, it's only once a year, but still. i would think part of the reason for choosing to live there would be the tranquil and laid back atmosphere of the area. bet they didn't count on a nearby school descending upon them as part of a yearly ritual when they moved in! and then, there's also the problem of gridlock along the roads. every ten minutes, we encounter some poor driver trying desperately to inch past the mass of human bodies who seem to have forgetten that roads were built for vehicles. consequently, the teachers would start yelling, 'keep to the left, KEEP TO THE LEFT!' which of course, further contributes to the ruckus.
apart from that, well, the day was pretty ok i guess? the one hour block of lessons was, according to ms ho, supposed to be used for the first one hour of lessons of the day, even though it was at 9. that would make it econs. but apparently, it was supposed to be the lesson at 9 instead. anyway, some of us just stayed in class, and the other econs class, which was scheduled at 9, arrived. so well, econs all the same. it's just one of those things in life haha. and the teacher didn't care about a few extra beings present. and haha, of course we didn't mind too =D =) even more reason to stay in class lol XD
concert was quite cool, quite wacky as per normal, but there was this video featuring one of the 'year 7s' thanking the teachers with so much emotion that i found it a little out of place in the light of the celebratory and upbeat mood. just a little thought.
after the concert, teachers were whisked away somewhere for some teachers' lunch thingy. lesson learnt here: give teachers their presents asap, at the start of the day! =/ anyways, i had some fun catching up with some old friends. funny how teachers' day ends up also serving the purpose of some old boys' gathering haha. and of course, i really enjoyed that small little tiny outing. nothing really significant or special, just a quick outing with a simple lunch thrown in, but indeed, it's who that really counts, not so much where or what. it was just a little something, but thanks for the company and for just being with me! i really enjoyed myself and i really appreciate such little moments of talks and sharing =D
well then, arsenal facing newcastle today. i must admit, yes coach, newcastle do look much improved from last season. i think kevin keegan has settled down and made his mark. they seem more solid, and also appear to have the grit to grind out results even when not playing that well. but then again, they just lost james milner to aston villa, so well, we'll see. i think samir nasri has started his arsenal career really brightly and lets hope he keeps it up. interesting match ahead, and all the best, gunners! aim well, and shoot down all the magpies from the trees!
Friday, August 29, 2008
tireddddd.. so tired. so terribly tormented and tired.
it seems to me that my posts have this recurring theme of fatigue. but sigh, what to do, i'm feeling tired all the time, i really am. and yes, of course both physically and emotionally, as always.
a crazy life, in a crazy world, in crazy times, really drives you crazy
the weather's been pretty foul lately, gloomy and doomy, how it mirrors my feelings. i don't mean to be whiney, but how how how??? ughh, modern life messes with emotions. same old things, recurring again and again. IOP (yes, i'm not done with that), EE, TOK (after the essay, now it's the wretched presentation), etc etc etc etc
oh well, at least chinese oral is over. hope it went fine, i really don't know. i wanna look on the bright side, but it's so damn difficult. just hope that at the end of it all, when i reflect, i will see the light, i will reap the benefits, and i will look back in satisfaction.
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun's love,
In the spring, becomes the rose.
it seems to me that my posts have this recurring theme of fatigue. but sigh, what to do, i'm feeling tired all the time, i really am. and yes, of course both physically and emotionally, as always.
a crazy life, in a crazy world, in crazy times, really drives you crazy
the weather's been pretty foul lately, gloomy and doomy, how it mirrors my feelings. i don't mean to be whiney, but how how how??? ughh, modern life messes with emotions. same old things, recurring again and again. IOP (yes, i'm not done with that), EE, TOK (after the essay, now it's the wretched presentation), etc etc etc etc
oh well, at least chinese oral is over. hope it went fine, i really don't know. i wanna look on the bright side, but it's so damn difficult. just hope that at the end of it all, when i reflect, i will see the light, i will reap the benefits, and i will look back in satisfaction.
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun's love,
In the spring, becomes the rose.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
my head is throbbing, my eyes are closing, my soul is dying, and my heart is aching.
ok this isn't some emo, cut wrist, jump off, swallow pill type of post, but, blahhh just feeling so miserable. arghh so tired. yet again. it's crazy man, it's like fatigue has become the norm. it's become an integral part of life. sigh, if only the desire to work could naturally become such an intrinsic part of me. then i wouldn't have to worry about all those dreaded tests, exams, IAs, and everything else.....
it's so ironic, but going to school can sometimes be such a terrible waste of time. those crazy 4.40pm days are really starting to bother me more and more. i'm starting to feel more and more that there's really no time for other stuffs..seriously man, 4.40pm?? like, the day's gone just like that. i didn't really think much of it initially, but increasingly detesting the crazy hours. and good grief, those 2h 20 min chucks of econs, seriously. it really plays around with one's sanity. oh, and i got back the first draft of the dumb econs IA. and after spending like altogether maybe, 5 hours of my life just looking for the article, having countless articles rejected, and taking pains to write the damned commentary nicely, it turns out there's so much irrelevant stuff, and the important stuff is not there. enough said.
and i'm starting to get really fed up and also worried about those geog questions. seriously, it's like there's just absolutely no way i can score. like something somewhere will always go wrong.
ok i realize all i want to do now is sleep.
ok this isn't some emo, cut wrist, jump off, swallow pill type of post, but, blahhh just feeling so miserable. arghh so tired. yet again. it's crazy man, it's like fatigue has become the norm. it's become an integral part of life. sigh, if only the desire to work could naturally become such an intrinsic part of me. then i wouldn't have to worry about all those dreaded tests, exams, IAs, and everything else.....
it's so ironic, but going to school can sometimes be such a terrible waste of time. those crazy 4.40pm days are really starting to bother me more and more. i'm starting to feel more and more that there's really no time for other stuffs..seriously man, 4.40pm?? like, the day's gone just like that. i didn't really think much of it initially, but increasingly detesting the crazy hours. and good grief, those 2h 20 min chucks of econs, seriously. it really plays around with one's sanity. oh, and i got back the first draft of the dumb econs IA. and after spending like altogether maybe, 5 hours of my life just looking for the article, having countless articles rejected, and taking pains to write the damned commentary nicely, it turns out there's so much irrelevant stuff, and the important stuff is not there. enough said.
and i'm starting to get really fed up and also worried about those geog questions. seriously, it's like there's just absolutely no way i can score. like something somewhere will always go wrong.
ok i realize all i want to do now is sleep.
Monday, August 25, 2008
good grief, the weekend was just simply crazy. can't believe it. a gazillion things to do. in particular, bio IA, econs IA, and guess what that effing math portfolio. and guess what, they're all done now. ok i realize this is turning out to be a really pointless post because everyone out there's probably like, 'ok so what, i finished it a week ago.' but i don't care. just such a relief to get those thingies over and done with!!!!!!!!!
arghhhh it's already week 10!! it's this sort of dreaded feeling that hits you really hard, you realize time, does indeed fly. this is crazy. seriously. i'm forever rushing, rushing here, there, rushing to meet deadlines, rushing to.......and there's really no time to stop and take stock of life, you know, stuff like reflect on your life sort of thing. it's like i'm not living in the moment, if i correctly understand that =/ i feel like, erm, i'm not living, just existing. life and time just floats by ever so discreetly, and i'm caught in the web of modern life?? i don't know if i'm putting it very accurately, but well. basically like, i'm just so caught up in the micro aspects of life, like you know, meeting deadlines, doing those dreaded IAs etc, and i lose sight of the macro aspects. and yeah, of course, that reminds me that while economics is already at macroeconomics, i'm still struggling to understand the market structure in microeconomics. ah wells..
and like, the olympics man. throughout this time, i've been so busy with this and that, and doing work and all, and i actually didn't have time to watch the olympics. ok maybe like, a bit here and there? altogether definitely not more than 30 mins of olympic action. and i can hardly believe it man. it's crazy. the whole olympic juggernaut, with its pomp and splendour and action athletes and all, just passed by. and i simply could not make time to watch. ok this is really saddening me. enough.
and today, there was this TOK thingy again. the way i see it, ok i agree these things are good, generally. as in, they are indeed enriching, maybe sometimes interesting, intriguing. but dude, why now???!!! you know, being to close to exams and all...sigh... then it becomes a waste of time. so what is a good life? haha when i first saw it, so many of those angsty, rebellious things came to mind. a life without school. a life without work, etc etc. then after a while, i felt a little emo. like, wth i just burnt more of life away doing the dumb math portfolio and IAs and all, and then you ask me, what is a good life. ok i know this appears retarded but aiyah, you don't get lah. somehow it just spoke to me that way.
"The good life, as i conceive it, is a happy life. I do not mean that if you are good, you will be happy; i mean that if you are happy you will be good." -Bertrand Russell.
blah. coming from a guy who gets high on math. (wth???!!!!) (not a reliable source)
good grief, the weekend was just simply crazy. can't believe it. a gazillion things to do. in particular, bio IA, econs IA, and guess what that effing math portfolio. and guess what, they're all done now. ok i realize this is turning out to be a really pointless post because everyone out there's probably like, 'ok so what, i finished it a week ago.' but i don't care. just such a relief to get those thingies over and done with!!!!!!!!!
arghhhh it's already week 10!! it's this sort of dreaded feeling that hits you really hard, you realize time, does indeed fly. this is crazy. seriously. i'm forever rushing, rushing here, there, rushing to meet deadlines, rushing to.......and there's really no time to stop and take stock of life, you know, stuff like reflect on your life sort of thing. it's like i'm not living in the moment, if i correctly understand that =/ i feel like, erm, i'm not living, just existing. life and time just floats by ever so discreetly, and i'm caught in the web of modern life?? i don't know if i'm putting it very accurately, but well. basically like, i'm just so caught up in the micro aspects of life, like you know, meeting deadlines, doing those dreaded IAs etc, and i lose sight of the macro aspects. and yeah, of course, that reminds me that while economics is already at macroeconomics, i'm still struggling to understand the market structure in microeconomics. ah wells..
and like, the olympics man. throughout this time, i've been so busy with this and that, and doing work and all, and i actually didn't have time to watch the olympics. ok maybe like, a bit here and there? altogether definitely not more than 30 mins of olympic action. and i can hardly believe it man. it's crazy. the whole olympic juggernaut, with its pomp and splendour and action athletes and all, just passed by. and i simply could not make time to watch. ok this is really saddening me. enough.
and today, there was this TOK thingy again. the way i see it, ok i agree these things are good, generally. as in, they are indeed enriching, maybe sometimes interesting, intriguing. but dude, why now???!!! you know, being to close to exams and all...sigh... then it becomes a waste of time. so what is a good life? haha when i first saw it, so many of those angsty, rebellious things came to mind. a life without school. a life without work, etc etc. then after a while, i felt a little emo. like, wth i just burnt more of life away doing the dumb math portfolio and IAs and all, and then you ask me, what is a good life. ok i know this appears retarded but aiyah, you don't get lah. somehow it just spoke to me that way.
"The good life, as i conceive it, is a happy life. I do not mean that if you are good, you will be happy; i mean that if you are happy you will be good." -Bertrand Russell.
blah. coming from a guy who gets high on math. (wth???!!!!) (not a reliable source)
Friday, August 22, 2008
yay.. over with that damned econs IA. now i just need to sit back and see if it's good..
had a really good talk yesterday =D thanks for everything man. thanks for the assurance, thanks for the comforting, thanks for the encouragement, thanks for the morale boosting, thanks for the heartfelt words, thanks for the ideas, thanks for understanding, thanks for listening, thanks for just being there.
ohmygoodnessgraciousme, mikael silvestre!! what a surprise man. 1. he played for manchester united 2. he's over 30!!=) so, surprise, surprise. but a pleasant one i must say. yeah, i really think he's gonna be a very important and valuable signing for the gunners..and what a bargain yeah. 750,000 pounds???!!! i mean, justin hoyte left for 3 million! well, no complaints then. just wanna make a quick shoutout to all gunners out there, look forward to great season! and to the team, all the best guys! blow 'em up i say, with your cannons and AK-47 guns =D
ahh can't believe i woke up at 11.45am today. wth lah, effing waste of time. and there's the stupid math portfolio! -.- bleh =/ zzzzzzzz.... even thinking about it makes me sick. and when i read the nonsense they write about it... "....provide students with opportunities to increase their understanding of mathematical concepts and processes. It is hoped that, by doing portfolio work, students benefit from these mathematical activities and find them both stimulating and rewarding." wth seriously shut up man. there's just something about this type of official, formal statements that never fails to p*** me off. like for instance, another of these type of s**t about econs IA. "Because the portfolio does not add any content to the syllabus, it can be a natural part of classroom and homework activities. It can be used as a motivating factor, increasing the liveliness and relevance of economics classes." get the idea? it's just something this type of ridiculous, absurd, pointless formalized type of official statements which always completely fail to relate to reality, which always exist in some airy fairy fantasy of their own, failing to realize, or perhaps not bothering, that on the ground, the situation couldn't be further from the truth. like seriously, come on man, we all know that we just wanna get the math portfolio over and done with, and certainly the econs IA isn't a motivating factor, and does nothing to increase the "liveliness" (wth???!!!) of lessons right. i mean like ok, we have to do it as part of our IB course, fine, too bad, deal with it. we detest it and it creates stress for both students and teachers, and we just wanna quickly get it over and out of the way man. don't try to gloss over it, make up some fancy-sounding statement to try to make the task seem appealing or enjoyable or what right. like, just accept it's s**t and too bad we have to do it lah. no need to go out of the way to try to justify it or make us pretend to like it or see the point in doing it right. get the point...
well mundane life goes on then....ever-present and ever-mounting assignments, stress and anxieties about relationships, and year end exams goodness...=(
had a really good talk yesterday =D thanks for everything man. thanks for the assurance, thanks for the comforting, thanks for the encouragement, thanks for the morale boosting, thanks for the heartfelt words, thanks for the ideas, thanks for understanding, thanks for listening, thanks for just being there.
ohmygoodnessgraciousme, mikael silvestre!! what a surprise man. 1. he played for manchester united 2. he's over 30!!=) so, surprise, surprise. but a pleasant one i must say. yeah, i really think he's gonna be a very important and valuable signing for the gunners..and what a bargain yeah. 750,000 pounds???!!! i mean, justin hoyte left for 3 million! well, no complaints then. just wanna make a quick shoutout to all gunners out there, look forward to great season! and to the team, all the best guys! blow 'em up i say, with your cannons and AK-47 guns =D
ahh can't believe i woke up at 11.45am today. wth lah, effing waste of time. and there's the stupid math portfolio! -.- bleh =/ zzzzzzzz.... even thinking about it makes me sick. and when i read the nonsense they write about it... "....provide students with opportunities to increase their understanding of mathematical concepts and processes. It is hoped that, by doing portfolio work, students benefit from these mathematical activities and find them both stimulating and rewarding." wth seriously shut up man. there's just something about this type of official, formal statements that never fails to p*** me off. like for instance, another of these type of s**t about econs IA. "Because the portfolio does not add any content to the syllabus, it can be a natural part of classroom and homework activities. It can be used as a motivating factor, increasing the liveliness and relevance of economics classes." get the idea? it's just something this type of ridiculous, absurd, pointless formalized type of official statements which always completely fail to relate to reality, which always exist in some airy fairy fantasy of their own, failing to realize, or perhaps not bothering, that on the ground, the situation couldn't be further from the truth. like seriously, come on man, we all know that we just wanna get the math portfolio over and done with, and certainly the econs IA isn't a motivating factor, and does nothing to increase the "liveliness" (wth???!!!) of lessons right. i mean like ok, we have to do it as part of our IB course, fine, too bad, deal with it. we detest it and it creates stress for both students and teachers, and we just wanna quickly get it over and out of the way man. don't try to gloss over it, make up some fancy-sounding statement to try to make the task seem appealing or enjoyable or what right. like, just accept it's s**t and too bad we have to do it lah. no need to go out of the way to try to justify it or make us pretend to like it or see the point in doing it right. get the point...
well mundane life goes on then....ever-present and ever-mounting assignments, stress and anxieties about relationships, and year end exams goodness...=(
Thursday, August 21, 2008
still stuck with the spectre of work.....
ok at least yesterday was quite cool. yeah ok the seminar was quite boring at times, and yeah of course i admit i did use some of the time in that plush red chair to reduce my sleep debt a little. BUT i must admit that it certainly was much more interesting than i had expected it to be. seriously, quite cool was beyond all the 'What is the meaning of life' kind of thing. i think it really explored the issues quite deeply and the entire thingy was conducted in a really fresh, bright kind of perspective.
and yes the speakers! ohmygoodnessgraciousme especially the guy. forgot his name though =( but never mind. seriously i was really awestruck by his public speaking skills. like, i really felt he was able to command attention and respect, without being unfriendly or harsh. ok i realize it's quite out of point to talk about his speaking skills, but anyways, well it's something that really impressed me.
and and, the FOOD! gosh, really didn't expect anything quite like that. i was really quite shocked that they actually bothered to cater such awesome stuffs. ah but then again, it's probably because there were other schools around you see. ah whatever. why the foog am i analysing all these pointless and unimportant stuffs??!! =/
ah, really glad i finally managed to confirm the article for the bloody econs IA. it's ABOUT time huh!
ok at least yesterday was quite cool. yeah ok the seminar was quite boring at times, and yeah of course i admit i did use some of the time in that plush red chair to reduce my sleep debt a little. BUT i must admit that it certainly was much more interesting than i had expected it to be. seriously, quite cool was beyond all the 'What is the meaning of life' kind of thing. i think it really explored the issues quite deeply and the entire thingy was conducted in a really fresh, bright kind of perspective.
and yes the speakers! ohmygoodnessgraciousme especially the guy. forgot his name though =( but never mind. seriously i was really awestruck by his public speaking skills. like, i really felt he was able to command attention and respect, without being unfriendly or harsh. ok i realize it's quite out of point to talk about his speaking skills, but anyways, well it's something that really impressed me.
and and, the FOOD! gosh, really didn't expect anything quite like that. i was really quite shocked that they actually bothered to cater such awesome stuffs. ah but then again, it's probably because there were other schools around you see. ah whatever. why the foog am i analysing all these pointless and unimportant stuffs??!! =/
ah, really glad i finally managed to confirm the article for the bloody econs IA. it's ABOUT time huh!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
ok i'm really really REALLY tired. and i want to (or rather have to) get going on that damned econs IA. but i can't! because she hasn't replied yet, and i don't know if my latest batch of SEVEN articles contains at least one suitable one. ah well, don't really blame her lah...boy, she really seems quite stressed out these days. got a bit er, emotional today as well..=S
IOP, EE, TOK. these initials have been ever present on my to-do list. now, i'm really getting quite sick of staring at these groan-inducing letters man. damn it. not forgetting the periodic IA. damn all you blasted thingies. like millstones round my neck. ok i've forgetten where i heard that from, just suddenly occurred to me.
ah well, there's always brilliant/ownage/lovely/terrific/out of this world/fantastic musics from westlife, craig david etc etc to soothe me a little i guess. here are some completely random pictures for er, ogling pleasure :p

ok i realize this may actually come across as very very gay :/ ah well, whatever man. i mean, just go see for yourself. so pro!
IOP, EE, TOK. these initials have been ever present on my to-do list. now, i'm really getting quite sick of staring at these groan-inducing letters man. damn it. not forgetting the periodic IA. damn all you blasted thingies. like millstones round my neck. ok i've forgetten where i heard that from, just suddenly occurred to me.
ah well, there's always brilliant/ownage/lovely/terrific/out of this world/fantastic musics from westlife, craig david etc etc to soothe me a little i guess. here are some completely random pictures for er, ogling pleasure :p
get the idea?
arghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! work work work!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
ohmygoodnessgraciousme........i'm feeling sooo tired. seriously maybe i could sue IB for failing to consider students' welfare or something like that. or ill treatment or something.. blah.
yay, i really enjoyed yesterday's friendly match against glory bp. inter church soccer friendlies ftw! so fun so fun. well so after church, my fellow hebron soccer homies and i went for lunch at some random food court near the mrt. it was pouring then and i was hoping the match would carry on as planned. so anyway, some time during lunch, the rain stopped. or rather subsided lah, became very very slight. we had loads of time to spare, so some of us headed back to church to uh, rest? just kill time lah basically. bleh, should have brought my no other city to read. i felt so stone.
wow, and i found out israel plays in the prime league for gombak united! cool..way to go dude! match was <33!!>
but wells all in all, i really enjoyed it. great game guys. oh and final score: hebron 1-0 glory yeah. and who else but israel to blast into the top corner. =)
yay, i really enjoyed yesterday's friendly match against glory bp. inter church soccer friendlies ftw! so fun so fun. well so after church, my fellow hebron soccer homies and i went for lunch at some random food court near the mrt. it was pouring then and i was hoping the match would carry on as planned. so anyway, some time during lunch, the rain stopped. or rather subsided lah, became very very slight. we had loads of time to spare, so some of us headed back to church to uh, rest? just kill time lah basically. bleh, should have brought my no other city to read. i felt so stone.
wow, and i found out israel plays in the prime league for gombak united! cool..way to go dude! match was <33!!>
but wells all in all, i really enjoyed it. great game guys. oh and final score: hebron 1-0 glory yeah. and who else but israel to blast into the top corner. =)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
ok i'm seriously pi**ed. very pi**ed. thanks a lot econs IA.
seriously wth. i can't stand it any longer. i'm going to let rip. ok today i wanted to do so many things. i wanted to do econs IA, IOP, get ready for my debut=) tomorrow. etc etc etc etc. but after blowing so much time on the stupid econs IA, there was just no time left. ok so basically after getting 6 of my previous 8 articles rejected, and the other 2 were outdated, i tried very hard. to keep the fire in the belly down. i mean, i spent so much time and effort on those 8 wretched articles you know. and that's it. gone. wasted. down the drain/toilet.
ok so today, part 2 of The Great Search for the Elusive Econs IA Article. i mean wth it's just ONE puny miserable article, and i have to spend like, 4-5 hours (and counting) on it??!! whatever. so after seeing those EIGHT articles crumble to dust, i revived the Great Search and continued my miserable hunt. went through all that **** again. google market failure/negative externalities of smoking/climate change/air pollution/global warming/social costs of smoking/................and how effing long i spent at each search. and how tedious and draining looking through all those stupid links that threw up article after unsuitable article. then the rare moments i find one i think is suitable, the date is like a gazillion years before i was born. wth. and the process starts all over again. and after burning dunno how long, i get 5 articles. and mind you, it's just looking for the damned article. it's not like i spent all this time evaluating, giving sound economic analysis, painstakingly drawing and perfecting the diagrams. seriously damn waste time.
and now as i again wait for the verdict on my choice of articles, i really can't help but fume and rant about the stupid econs IA system. ok i think it's really dumb. firstly, why do we have to choose our own articles? i think it'll be much better if they give us the article, and then we write our commentary. ok i know it may sound stupid, like doesn't that confine you to a certain limited area, gives you no freedom in the topic etc etc. but honestly i think it might be better that way. it saves us from floundering around looking for a stupid article that's 'suitable for economic analysis'. must source for article, consult if it's ok and all. just give the article, and then we can start concentrating on producing a good commentary lahh. i mean, after all what's the point seriously. they just want to see how we 'evaluate economic concepts and theories in the context of real-world examples' right. so why waste our time and effort scouring for one?? just provide one, it's easier for all parties that way right.
and then even worse, they come up with all those stupid rules that really don't make sense and serve no purpose, except to make life more difficult for the student. seriously, think about it. like, the article must be dated like 6 months before the start of the course. and i read the IA guide, there's this word that really makes my blood boil. contemporaneous. this word is just somehow very irritating. i think it's the way it's repeatedly repeated in the guidebook, like they're so proud about being able to use a word that has 15 letters and 5 syllables, up from the usual what, 2 or 3? and they're so happy and they want to show off the word. but anyway, the point is, what's the purpose of this dumb rule seriously?????
and then there's this thing about having to use 'four different sources', one for each commentary. this one really takes the cake i tell you. stupidest of all stupid rules. think about it. first of all, it can be a bit bewildering to learn what they mean by different sources. for example, straits times online is considered the same source as straits times print. but different newspapers=different sources. and and best of all, straits times and sunday times are considered different sources. zzzzz pfffft bleh -.- ...... what kind of logic is this??!! first of all, the classification of sources is dumb. and then, whose dumb idea is it to come up with this kind of stupid rule anyway. like seriously, again what's the point of this rule?? how does it benefit us or whatever???!!!
doesn't make sense. just making life difficult. just trying to live up to the reputation of IB being challenging and rigorous. come on lah econs IA, get a life. don't be lame. even someone as lifeless as me finds doing the IA such a waste of life.
that aside, here's a shoutout to all the guitar people!!! you were great! i loved it mann..=)
seriously wth. i can't stand it any longer. i'm going to let rip. ok today i wanted to do so many things. i wanted to do econs IA, IOP, get ready for my debut=) tomorrow. etc etc etc etc. but after blowing so much time on the stupid econs IA, there was just no time left. ok so basically after getting 6 of my previous 8 articles rejected, and the other 2 were outdated, i tried very hard. to keep the fire in the belly down. i mean, i spent so much time and effort on those 8 wretched articles you know. and that's it. gone. wasted. down the drain/toilet.
ok so today, part 2 of The Great Search for the Elusive Econs IA Article. i mean wth it's just ONE puny miserable article, and i have to spend like, 4-5 hours (and counting) on it??!! whatever. so after seeing those EIGHT articles crumble to dust, i revived the Great Search and continued my miserable hunt. went through all that **** again. google market failure/negative externalities of smoking/climate change/air pollution/global warming/social costs of smoking/................and how effing long i spent at each search. and how tedious and draining looking through all those stupid links that threw up article after unsuitable article. then the rare moments i find one i think is suitable, the date is like a gazillion years before i was born. wth. and the process starts all over again. and after burning dunno how long, i get 5 articles. and mind you, it's just looking for the damned article. it's not like i spent all this time evaluating, giving sound economic analysis, painstakingly drawing and perfecting the diagrams. seriously damn waste time.
and now as i again wait for the verdict on my choice of articles, i really can't help but fume and rant about the stupid econs IA system. ok i think it's really dumb. firstly, why do we have to choose our own articles? i think it'll be much better if they give us the article, and then we write our commentary. ok i know it may sound stupid, like doesn't that confine you to a certain limited area, gives you no freedom in the topic etc etc. but honestly i think it might be better that way. it saves us from floundering around looking for a stupid article that's 'suitable for economic analysis'. must source for article, consult if it's ok and all. just give the article, and then we can start concentrating on producing a good commentary lahh. i mean, after all what's the point seriously. they just want to see how we 'evaluate economic concepts and theories in the context of real-world examples' right. so why waste our time and effort scouring for one?? just provide one, it's easier for all parties that way right.
and then even worse, they come up with all those stupid rules that really don't make sense and serve no purpose, except to make life more difficult for the student. seriously, think about it. like, the article must be dated like 6 months before the start of the course. and i read the IA guide, there's this word that really makes my blood boil. contemporaneous. this word is just somehow very irritating. i think it's the way it's repeatedly repeated in the guidebook, like they're so proud about being able to use a word that has 15 letters and 5 syllables, up from the usual what, 2 or 3? and they're so happy and they want to show off the word. but anyway, the point is, what's the purpose of this dumb rule seriously?????
and then there's this thing about having to use 'four different sources', one for each commentary. this one really takes the cake i tell you. stupidest of all stupid rules. think about it. first of all, it can be a bit bewildering to learn what they mean by different sources. for example, straits times online is considered the same source as straits times print. but different newspapers=different sources. and and best of all, straits times and sunday times are considered different sources. zzzzz pfffft bleh -.- ...... what kind of logic is this??!! first of all, the classification of sources is dumb. and then, whose dumb idea is it to come up with this kind of stupid rule anyway. like seriously, again what's the point of this rule?? how does it benefit us or whatever???!!!
doesn't make sense. just making life difficult. just trying to live up to the reputation of IB being challenging and rigorous. come on lah econs IA, get a life. don't be lame. even someone as lifeless as me finds doing the IA such a waste of life.
that aside, here's a shoutout to all the guitar people!!! you were great! i loved it mann..=)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
here are some really reeeeeeeally amazing soccer quotes.........enjoy=D
If you are in the penalty area and you don’t know what to do with the ball, put it in the net and we’ll discuss the options later.-Bob Paisley
I’m sure sex wouldn’t be as rewarding as winning the World Cup. It’s not that sex isn’t good, but the World Cup is every four years and sex is not.-Ronaldo
There is a deep connection between tricking defenders and being a smart boy in real life.-Simon Kuper
The first 90 minutes are the most important.-Bobby Robson
If there weren’t such a thing as football, we’d all be frustrated footballers.-Mick Lyons
I’m married to football and have an affair with my wife.-Bobby Robson
The World Cup is…for the estimated two billion viewers who get up early, stay up late, cheer at the television, bay at the moon, go out and bang drums in the middle of the night because somebody scored a goal halfway around the world.-George Vescey
Five days shalt thou labour, the Bible says. The seventh day is the Lord thy God’s. The sixth day is for football.-Anthony Burgess
Play for the name on the front of your shirt and they’ll remember the name on the back.-Lionel Messi
hmm very inspirational..
and the all-time favourite...
Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. I’m very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.-Bill Shankly
If you are in the penalty area and you don’t know what to do with the ball, put it in the net and we’ll discuss the options later.-Bob Paisley
I’m sure sex wouldn’t be as rewarding as winning the World Cup. It’s not that sex isn’t good, but the World Cup is every four years and sex is not.-Ronaldo
There is a deep connection between tricking defenders and being a smart boy in real life.-Simon Kuper
The first 90 minutes are the most important.-Bobby Robson
If there weren’t such a thing as football, we’d all be frustrated footballers.-Mick Lyons
I’m married to football and have an affair with my wife.-Bobby Robson
The World Cup is…for the estimated two billion viewers who get up early, stay up late, cheer at the television, bay at the moon, go out and bang drums in the middle of the night because somebody scored a goal halfway around the world.-George Vescey
Five days shalt thou labour, the Bible says. The seventh day is the Lord thy God’s. The sixth day is for football.-Anthony Burgess
Play for the name on the front of your shirt and they’ll remember the name on the back.-Lionel Messi
hmm very inspirational..
and the all-time favourite...
Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. I’m very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.-Bill Shankly
Monday, August 11, 2008
here's a rather belated reflection of friday's rather...unique happenings. well of course there was the national day celebrations in school, along with that ridiculous connect singapore thing. ok now i don't want to go all out and bash the thing like so many people have been doing, because i admit that the idea sounds good, and i appreciate that it's not that easy to form the shape properly. but having said that, i honestly found the thing quite fail. they showed the picture during the service and ohmygoodnessgraciousme it looked, bad. perhaps they could have arranged us standing parallel to the line instead, so the edges wouldn't be so jagged. ok never mind, whatever........
so after school, of course there was the usual going out to the movies, playing soccer, etc etc. perfect relax formula: school ends early, it's a friday, and monday's a holiday. so everyone goes out to have fun. BUT NOT ME.
i had thought about these post-school activities the previous night, and i discovered that all this 'socializing' and chilling after these so-called 'slack and pointless' days, such as cross-country, founder's day, national day etc, are really getting boring and repetitive. ok i know this may not really make much sense but on thursday night, i thought about what i would do after school the next day, and i was immediately reminded of the recent cross-country day. and i felt sick about always trying to be among the 'cool' and 'normal' crowd of going out and having fun after these type of days. i mean, it's not bad or anything, but i'm just getting sick of it. i thought about the cross-country day and how at times during the time at vivocity that day, i actually felt that the outing was completely pointless. like i was going out instead of home, just for the sake of it, just because it's the 'normal' thing to do, just because everyone else is doing so. i felt bored and i really didn't see the point of the outing at all. i wasn't even like enjoying myself or anything. i was there because of the herd mentality and the desire to avoid work. but it was so stupid. like, lunch at food republic was actually the highlight of the entire damned thing. no, there was no movie, no serious shopping, or bowling or whatever proper outing activities. just eat and walk around aimlessly trying to decide what to do, and after some time, go home. effing waste of life.
and i realize it's not just the cross-country day. similar situations have occurred many times before. same pattern. after the school event finishes, i feel slack and i get excited about the outing ahead of me, then slowly as the outing progresses, i realize it's pointless and i get bored, and i feel like i'm out here just for the sake of going out. and strangely, i don't really enjoy watching movies, so yeah there's really not much point going out because many times the others would go for a movie and i would just leave at that point. so after thinking through all this on thursday night, i decided that i would not bother looking for people to go out with the next day, and i told myself that whatever urge to go out after the event is just temporary and i would regret going out yet again.
so on friday, after the thing, i just hung around the sac awhile with friends, and yes they were going out after that. as planned, i didn't follow them. instead i just stayed in school and found some quiet place to be alone. ok i know this sounds really weird and like, why don't you just go home then? ok it's a little strange but i think, not really what. i mean basically i'm just not used to going home so early after school, so i just decided to stay in school and do some work, think about life, have some quiet tranquil time to myself. and i found it quite therapeutic actually. i think sometimes in the mad rush of life, what i really want is some time alone, to myself, when i am free to do (almost) anything i want, when i can sing/dance/talk to myself/be spastic without anyone looking and thinking what the **** is wrong with this guy. yeah so basically i just hung around with myself, had some time to myself, then i left around 6 or so. oh and i managed to do the Testing the Reality commentary during that time too...
weekends were...blahhh....normal..boring....nothing worth reflecting on...
so after school, of course there was the usual going out to the movies, playing soccer, etc etc. perfect relax formula: school ends early, it's a friday, and monday's a holiday. so everyone goes out to have fun. BUT NOT ME.
i had thought about these post-school activities the previous night, and i discovered that all this 'socializing' and chilling after these so-called 'slack and pointless' days, such as cross-country, founder's day, national day etc, are really getting boring and repetitive. ok i know this may not really make much sense but on thursday night, i thought about what i would do after school the next day, and i was immediately reminded of the recent cross-country day. and i felt sick about always trying to be among the 'cool' and 'normal' crowd of going out and having fun after these type of days. i mean, it's not bad or anything, but i'm just getting sick of it. i thought about the cross-country day and how at times during the time at vivocity that day, i actually felt that the outing was completely pointless. like i was going out instead of home, just for the sake of it, just because it's the 'normal' thing to do, just because everyone else is doing so. i felt bored and i really didn't see the point of the outing at all. i wasn't even like enjoying myself or anything. i was there because of the herd mentality and the desire to avoid work. but it was so stupid. like, lunch at food republic was actually the highlight of the entire damned thing. no, there was no movie, no serious shopping, or bowling or whatever proper outing activities. just eat and walk around aimlessly trying to decide what to do, and after some time, go home. effing waste of life.
and i realize it's not just the cross-country day. similar situations have occurred many times before. same pattern. after the school event finishes, i feel slack and i get excited about the outing ahead of me, then slowly as the outing progresses, i realize it's pointless and i get bored, and i feel like i'm out here just for the sake of going out. and strangely, i don't really enjoy watching movies, so yeah there's really not much point going out because many times the others would go for a movie and i would just leave at that point. so after thinking through all this on thursday night, i decided that i would not bother looking for people to go out with the next day, and i told myself that whatever urge to go out after the event is just temporary and i would regret going out yet again.
so on friday, after the thing, i just hung around the sac awhile with friends, and yes they were going out after that. as planned, i didn't follow them. instead i just stayed in school and found some quiet place to be alone. ok i know this sounds really weird and like, why don't you just go home then? ok it's a little strange but i think, not really what. i mean basically i'm just not used to going home so early after school, so i just decided to stay in school and do some work, think about life, have some quiet tranquil time to myself. and i found it quite therapeutic actually. i think sometimes in the mad rush of life, what i really want is some time alone, to myself, when i am free to do (almost) anything i want, when i can sing/dance/talk to myself/be spastic without anyone looking and thinking what the **** is wrong with this guy. yeah so basically i just hung around with myself, had some time to myself, then i left around 6 or so. oh and i managed to do the Testing the Reality commentary during that time too...
weekends were...blahhh....normal..boring....nothing worth reflecting on...
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Dear Lord,
Please help me. help me O Lord, in my faltering school work. help me to discover the joy of learning, of enriching oneself, as they always say. help me to have the urge to pick the book up and read it, and grant me the ability to understand its contents and remember it.
Lord, i also want to ask that you will help me in my dealings and relationships with the people around me. help me O Lord, to portray a good image of myself, and in the process not just glorify myself, but also you. i pray that you will help me forge positive and healthy relationships with the many people around me, and that in what i say and do, i will be a blessing to them, and make a positive impact on their lives.
i also want to pray that you will grant me a heart of forgiveness. help me to realize O Lord, that sometimes when people utter abrasive and cutting comments and pass stinging insults, along with hurtful actions, they do not really mean it, but rather, they spout rubbish on the spur of the moment, and do not realize the full extent and effects of their words and actions.
Lord, i pray that in the face of numerous difficulties and countless problems, strains and stresses, i will be strong and remain guided by your Word, remembering that any hard work i put in will count at the end of it all. i pray that in the wake of rejections and disappointments, you will grant me the strength to pick myself up and carry on, you will grant me the peace of mind that i matter to you, and that is the most important of all, even if i do not matter to anyone else.
Lord, i also want to pray for some of my friends who are facing many problems too, both work-related and otherwise. i commit their problems to you and pray that you will reconcile broken friendships, and heal hurtful and festering wounds.
and dear Lord, i want to pray that in the midst of this mad rush, i will never, ever forget to remember you, that in whatever i do, i will do it with your blessing and guidance, that as i weave my way through this mess, you will always be a bright light above, guiding me and illuminating the path ahead of me, leading me to great things, just as how you led the shepherds to the manger. Lord, may i always remember and be reassured that you are fully aware of all my worries, my problems and insecurities. help me to fully commit my fears, doubts and demons to you and trust that you will provide solace and light within the tunnel.
In Jesus' most precious and holy name,
Please help me. help me O Lord, in my faltering school work. help me to discover the joy of learning, of enriching oneself, as they always say. help me to have the urge to pick the book up and read it, and grant me the ability to understand its contents and remember it.
Lord, i also want to ask that you will help me in my dealings and relationships with the people around me. help me O Lord, to portray a good image of myself, and in the process not just glorify myself, but also you. i pray that you will help me forge positive and healthy relationships with the many people around me, and that in what i say and do, i will be a blessing to them, and make a positive impact on their lives.
i also want to pray that you will grant me a heart of forgiveness. help me to realize O Lord, that sometimes when people utter abrasive and cutting comments and pass stinging insults, along with hurtful actions, they do not really mean it, but rather, they spout rubbish on the spur of the moment, and do not realize the full extent and effects of their words and actions.
Lord, i pray that in the face of numerous difficulties and countless problems, strains and stresses, i will be strong and remain guided by your Word, remembering that any hard work i put in will count at the end of it all. i pray that in the wake of rejections and disappointments, you will grant me the strength to pick myself up and carry on, you will grant me the peace of mind that i matter to you, and that is the most important of all, even if i do not matter to anyone else.
Lord, i also want to pray for some of my friends who are facing many problems too, both work-related and otherwise. i commit their problems to you and pray that you will reconcile broken friendships, and heal hurtful and festering wounds.
and dear Lord, i want to pray that in the midst of this mad rush, i will never, ever forget to remember you, that in whatever i do, i will do it with your blessing and guidance, that as i weave my way through this mess, you will always be a bright light above, guiding me and illuminating the path ahead of me, leading me to great things, just as how you led the shepherds to the manger. Lord, may i always remember and be reassured that you are fully aware of all my worries, my problems and insecurities. help me to fully commit my fears, doubts and demons to you and trust that you will provide solace and light within the tunnel.
In Jesus' most precious and holy name,
Monday, August 4, 2008
arghh..sore throat, cough with/without phlegm, tickly throat, chronic fatigue, headache, backache....
all that with iop, ee, tok, everything else looming in the background/hanging over like a dark cloud.
sad. =(=(=(
oh and a very very belated shoutout to all the drama people... schooldaze was da bomb=) loved it yeah..
arghh..sore throat, cough with/without phlegm, tickly throat, chronic fatigue, headache, backache....
all that with iop, ee, tok, everything else looming in the background/hanging over like a dark cloud.
sad. =(=(=(
oh and a very very belated shoutout to all the drama people... schooldaze was da bomb=) loved it yeah..
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