i saw this on a friend's blog some time back, and it made a great impact on me. i think it's great video, a timely reminder that makes us reconsider what is really important in life.
please watch, and may you be renewed and touched by it :D
Monday, December 28, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
i remember one article describing liverpool's season as "lurching from one crisis to another". sometimes, my life reminds me of liverpool's season.
my life feels like idk, periodic phenomena or something.
cliched as it sounds, sometimes the complexity of human nature really overwhelms me. it makes me not want to be human so i don't have to deal with all this. i see the birds hopping around chirpily and they look so relaxed and free. i envy them.
i need to think carefully. but idk mann.
perhaps i think too much at times. oh, i'm not the only one like that. and i realize it can get quite frustrating when people are like that. so maybe i should curb such behaviour. because i realize that when people think too much, they get all sorts of ideas and perceptions and they become extremely attached to some sort of ideology or belief, and they become so terribly emotionally unstable and become nothing more than a constant wreck of feelings and emotions. they feel lousy about themselves, they feel lousy about everyone else, they get extremely moody and impatient. the slightest trigger sets them off into yet another bout of emotional breakdown. they lash out at people, take offence at the slightest things, and are completely incapable of calming down and cogently thinking through things.
sometimes it feels futile and pointless to talk through things because you know it's going to erupt again, soon, for one reason or another.
sigh. i will not succumb. i will look to God and let Him tell me that He has a purpose for me, and that He has great plans for me. i will stand strong in the knowledge that in spite of everything and anything, He remains there, and He remains true to His word.
so rejoice, for this is the day that the Lord has made :D
my life feels like idk, periodic phenomena or something.
cliched as it sounds, sometimes the complexity of human nature really overwhelms me. it makes me not want to be human so i don't have to deal with all this. i see the birds hopping around chirpily and they look so relaxed and free. i envy them.
i need to think carefully. but idk mann.
perhaps i think too much at times. oh, i'm not the only one like that. and i realize it can get quite frustrating when people are like that. so maybe i should curb such behaviour. because i realize that when people think too much, they get all sorts of ideas and perceptions and they become extremely attached to some sort of ideology or belief, and they become so terribly emotionally unstable and become nothing more than a constant wreck of feelings and emotions. they feel lousy about themselves, they feel lousy about everyone else, they get extremely moody and impatient. the slightest trigger sets them off into yet another bout of emotional breakdown. they lash out at people, take offence at the slightest things, and are completely incapable of calming down and cogently thinking through things.
sometimes it feels futile and pointless to talk through things because you know it's going to erupt again, soon, for one reason or another.
sigh. i will not succumb. i will look to God and let Him tell me that He has a purpose for me, and that He has great plans for me. i will stand strong in the knowledge that in spite of everything and anything, He remains there, and He remains true to His word.
so rejoice, for this is the day that the Lord has made :D
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
hello people, IB's over.
while i'm glad all this nonsense is over, i'm sorta concerned about what's gonna happen to all the knowledge (little as it may be) i've gathered over the years. i mean like, look at math for example. before the exams, it's always "shkrew math, can't wait for exams, after that i'm never touching math again in my life!!" but considering now, all those hours of hell i've been through, all those INTENSE sessions at the staff room benches with desmond and his raspy, growly voice.... (YES MR NAH, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO DIFFERENTIATE! IT'S OKAY, THERE'S ALWAYS NEXT YEAR....)
now, much as i'm still thrilled about seeing the back of math, i can't help but find it a sort of a waste of all this effort if i don't touch math for the rest of my life. just like chinese last year, when everyone was rejoicing over not having to deal with the language ever again, i couldn't help but find it a waste to throw away all the years of learning the language.
ah but oh well. that's the way it is i guess. i can't possibly be dealing with everything for the rest of my life can i -.-
anyway, look what i found. watch till the end please, that's when the funny stuff occurs. now i'm not sure if it's real, but if it is.... :/
while i'm glad all this nonsense is over, i'm sorta concerned about what's gonna happen to all the knowledge (little as it may be) i've gathered over the years. i mean like, look at math for example. before the exams, it's always "shkrew math, can't wait for exams, after that i'm never touching math again in my life!!" but considering now, all those hours of hell i've been through, all those INTENSE sessions at the staff room benches with desmond and his raspy, growly voice.... (YES MR NAH, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO DIFFERENTIATE! IT'S OKAY, THERE'S ALWAYS NEXT YEAR....)
now, much as i'm still thrilled about seeing the back of math, i can't help but find it a sort of a waste of all this effort if i don't touch math for the rest of my life. just like chinese last year, when everyone was rejoicing over not having to deal with the language ever again, i couldn't help but find it a waste to throw away all the years of learning the language.
ah but oh well. that's the way it is i guess. i can't possibly be dealing with everything for the rest of my life can i -.-
anyway, look what i found. watch till the end please, that's when the funny stuff occurs. now i'm not sure if it's real, but if it is.... :/
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
it's _____ (don't wanna know, don't wanna count) days to IB, and my prelims are _______.
and i keep feeling so tired.
yes, it's not a joke, not some hidden code or meaning whatsoever. it's retarded. even when i feel motivated to do work or something, i get so tired it's like just drop dead and vegetate sorta thing. and it's not like the geog ia and ee era when sleep was a luxury. i just keep feeling so lethargic. i desperately need some secret formula or diet or JUST SOMETHING to keep me awake and fresh and alert! and everyone's like, COFFEE, or TEA or RED BULL or some sort of strange idiosyncrasies of their own to get them going, but coffee for me works only sometimes, and has rather limited effects. and sometimes i can fall asleep right after drinking -.-
ahh, damn it's retarded.
tired man. maybe i should have taken Os after all? idk mann. certainly didn't feel anything like this during PSLE. then again, it's PSLE :/
and i keep feeling so tired.
yes, it's not a joke, not some hidden code or meaning whatsoever. it's retarded. even when i feel motivated to do work or something, i get so tired it's like just drop dead and vegetate sorta thing. and it's not like the geog ia and ee era when sleep was a luxury. i just keep feeling so lethargic. i desperately need some secret formula or diet or JUST SOMETHING to keep me awake and fresh and alert! and everyone's like, COFFEE, or TEA or RED BULL or some sort of strange idiosyncrasies of their own to get them going, but coffee for me works only sometimes, and has rather limited effects. and sometimes i can fall asleep right after drinking -.-
ahh, damn it's retarded.
tired man. maybe i should have taken Os after all? idk mann. certainly didn't feel anything like this during PSLE. then again, it's PSLE :/
Saturday, October 3, 2009
it's probably a sign that i'm studying too hard when everything in life gets related to the academic syllabus. haha :/
the other day, i was on the mrt when these two ridiculously smoochy and touchy-feely lovebirds boarded. then i heard the girl ask, "what's your blood type?"
"Mine's A+"
straightaway in my head i started doing the genetic cross diagram using all the possible combinations, enthusiastically recalling all the recessive alleles, codominance what not etc etc etc... LOL.
then another day a friend who's one of those noobs still holding on to the old ez link card (after like, a million years to change it) started wondering why the cash fare on public transport is more expensive. then i started thinking in economic terms about the rationale behind the pricing strategy etc etc.
sigh, too much mugging already! yeah right -.-
the other day, i was on the mrt when these two ridiculously smoochy and touchy-feely lovebirds boarded. then i heard the girl ask, "what's your blood type?"
"Mine's A+"
straightaway in my head i started doing the genetic cross diagram using all the possible combinations, enthusiastically recalling all the recessive alleles, codominance what not etc etc etc... LOL.
then another day a friend who's one of those noobs still holding on to the old ez link card (after like, a million years to change it) started wondering why the cash fare on public transport is more expensive. then i started thinking in economic terms about the rationale behind the pricing strategy etc etc.
sigh, too much mugging already! yeah right -.-
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
oh my, how cool is this! i think i might actually seriously consider doing work related to stuff like that in the future, i mean, it's so cool! i think it'll be really great, interacting with wildlife, trying to understand them better, helping in conservation efforts...
uhm, part of the video's a 'lil horny, but oh well :/ THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!
how intriguing!
uhm, part of the video's a 'lil horny, but oh well :/ THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!
how intriguing!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
ohmygoodnessgraciousme, guys, ioc is over guys, like omg, like, the **** is over. no more dumb lear, emo orsino, incomprehensible frost and so onnnnnnnnn!!!!!
okay, in a break from emoness, i must say i was really quite pleased with the extract i got. caged bird extract 3, omg. quite cool mann. i was really glad i didn't get any frost poem, that guy is ridiculous. i mean like wth, i walk into the garden, i see the trees, the swaying branches, a bird flies by, i see the blooming flowers, i hear the rustling leaves, the rushing water, i see the pretty clouds, there are holes in my effing wall.. oh look, i see a rotting pile of wood..like woww! so very interesting!! hmm, now i shall spend my next few hours wondering how this miserable pile of wood appeared in this forest. hmm, very cool. so whatd'you want me to do about it?! i'm like so interested to know what the boulders in your wall look like. I'M LIKE WTHHH??!! @#$%^&^%$^*&(*&(* IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY?! HIS POEMS ARE SO URGHHH! FROST IS GAY :X
okay, lear's actually kinda addictive! like, i find myself talking in lear language now lol, wth :/
caged bird was quite cool, fair enough. thank God. so anyway, yeah okay, ioc's over, great.
damn, prelims. and then, DAMN, IB :X
arghh, shkrew, off to watch king lear and twelfth night on youtube!!
okay, in a break from emoness, i must say i was really quite pleased with the extract i got. caged bird extract 3, omg. quite cool mann. i was really glad i didn't get any frost poem, that guy is ridiculous. i mean like wth, i walk into the garden, i see the trees, the swaying branches, a bird flies by, i see the blooming flowers, i hear the rustling leaves, the rushing water, i see the pretty clouds, there are holes in my effing wall.. oh look, i see a rotting pile of wood..like woww! so very interesting!! hmm, now i shall spend my next few hours wondering how this miserable pile of wood appeared in this forest. hmm, very cool. so whatd'you want me to do about it?! i'm like so interested to know what the boulders in your wall look like. I'M LIKE WTHHH??!! @#$%^&^%$^*&(*&(* IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY?! HIS POEMS ARE SO URGHHH! FROST IS GAY :X
okay, lear's actually kinda addictive! like, i find myself talking in lear language now lol, wth :/
caged bird was quite cool, fair enough. thank God. so anyway, yeah okay, ioc's over, great.
damn, prelims. and then, DAMN, IB :X
arghh, shkrew, off to watch king lear and twelfth night on youtube!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
okay, i know this is getting very repetitive and boring, every post being a complaint of some sort, but i think i can safely and confidently say the past few days have really been the worst stretch i've ever experienced in school. as far back as i can remember, even all the way from primary 1. it's like, i'm in such deep **** i don't even feel anything much anymore. it's becoming so farcical. it's just turning into a huge joke, it's ridiculous.
it's like, each day i've been dragging myself to school (on days when i do actually go to school), with my stupid geog ia and my ee hanging over my head like some bubonic plague or curse or H1N1 or the like. every day is a battle royale not just to complete those ******* pieces of ****, but also to avoid certain teachers, come up with convincing explanations and reasons for not getting stuff done, trying to make full use of my time, getting really pi**ed at how going to school sometimes really is a real waste of time but i still have to, getting worried about ioc but having no time/being unable to study for it... and the list seriously drags on and on. to a certain extent, i really miss those days in sec 1, sec 2, when we would innocently turn up at school every day and go for each and every lesson properly, on time and with the right attitude. most of all, i miss how the issue with work back then was simply a matter of disciplining yourself, telling yourself to focus for a few hours at the most, before triumphantly completing everything, leaving some time for tv, for going out, etc. now, it's really not that simple. the stuff is hard, it's no longer just a matter of focusing and perhaps mugging for a couple of hours a day. instead, it's a painful, arduous, drawn-out process that really saps you to the core, facing major difficulties in not just the subject content, but also the various ******* pieces of coursework, most of all, the ias and that small matter of 4000 words. yes, i know all these should be sort of over by now, but no i'm sorry, it's not for me. and that just serves to make it even worse. most of the time, school becomes a relative waste of time, cuz there's just so much work to do, to be submitted, i just want to get going and do it. not running around the whole day, rushing from lesson to lesson, and not being able to focus on the lesson anyway cuz my entire mind and soul is occupied by the stuff i've to do. and even worse, wasting my time at dialogues and other activities such as random talks and stuff like national day celebrations which are admittedly not useless, but really are so pointless in comparison to the grim tasks i have at hand, that they become a real waste of time.
what the **** is going on man.
it's like, each day i've been dragging myself to school (on days when i do actually go to school), with my stupid geog ia and my ee hanging over my head like some bubonic plague or curse or H1N1 or the like. every day is a battle royale not just to complete those ******* pieces of ****, but also to avoid certain teachers, come up with convincing explanations and reasons for not getting stuff done, trying to make full use of my time, getting really pi**ed at how going to school sometimes really is a real waste of time but i still have to, getting worried about ioc but having no time/being unable to study for it... and the list seriously drags on and on. to a certain extent, i really miss those days in sec 1, sec 2, when we would innocently turn up at school every day and go for each and every lesson properly, on time and with the right attitude. most of all, i miss how the issue with work back then was simply a matter of disciplining yourself, telling yourself to focus for a few hours at the most, before triumphantly completing everything, leaving some time for tv, for going out, etc. now, it's really not that simple. the stuff is hard, it's no longer just a matter of focusing and perhaps mugging for a couple of hours a day. instead, it's a painful, arduous, drawn-out process that really saps you to the core, facing major difficulties in not just the subject content, but also the various ******* pieces of coursework, most of all, the ias and that small matter of 4000 words. yes, i know all these should be sort of over by now, but no i'm sorry, it's not for me. and that just serves to make it even worse. most of the time, school becomes a relative waste of time, cuz there's just so much work to do, to be submitted, i just want to get going and do it. not running around the whole day, rushing from lesson to lesson, and not being able to focus on the lesson anyway cuz my entire mind and soul is occupied by the stuff i've to do. and even worse, wasting my time at dialogues and other activities such as random talks and stuff like national day celebrations which are admittedly not useless, but really are so pointless in comparison to the grim tasks i have at hand, that they become a real waste of time.
what the **** is going on man.
Friday, July 31, 2009
the past few days have been really tumultuous for me, and i can imagine it's going to be like that for a huge part of the rest of the year, with IOC, and of course THE BIG ONE =X
also, i feel that over the past few days, i've seen many different sides of many people, and some of the experiences certainly haven't been too pleasant. however, i feel like i've matured since, uhm, idk, some time back, and i think i notice myself being able to deal with unsavoury people and experiences better. where in the past i would dwell on things way too much, and let them overly affect me, i think i now see things in a different light, and i feel like i'm more able to accept unpleasant things as normal and part of the larger scheme of things. i think (and hope) i'm able to brush them off a lot more lightly now, and realize that many of these things really do not matter, and i should not let them bother me.
also, there are a few bad habits i need to cut out. like being such a perfectionist. sometimes, it really goes over the top and hinders my progess, and it becomes counter-productive.
i'm also noticing many pesky "growing up" habits like being affected by peer pressure, being overly concerned by how people see me and what they think of me, and trying too hard to "fit", and the like. i think if left unacknowledged and uncontrolled, these things have the potential to become really serious. so i want to watch myself.
for the lack of a better ending,
Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand, and show you that you can.
There are no boundaries,
There are no boundaries.
also, i feel that over the past few days, i've seen many different sides of many people, and some of the experiences certainly haven't been too pleasant. however, i feel like i've matured since, uhm, idk, some time back, and i think i notice myself being able to deal with unsavoury people and experiences better. where in the past i would dwell on things way too much, and let them overly affect me, i think i now see things in a different light, and i feel like i'm more able to accept unpleasant things as normal and part of the larger scheme of things. i think (and hope) i'm able to brush them off a lot more lightly now, and realize that many of these things really do not matter, and i should not let them bother me.
also, there are a few bad habits i need to cut out. like being such a perfectionist. sometimes, it really goes over the top and hinders my progess, and it becomes counter-productive.
i'm also noticing many pesky "growing up" habits like being affected by peer pressure, being overly concerned by how people see me and what they think of me, and trying too hard to "fit", and the like. i think if left unacknowledged and uncontrolled, these things have the potential to become really serious. so i want to watch myself.
for the lack of a better ending,
Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand, and show you that you can.
There are no boundaries,
There are no boundaries.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
apparently this term is supposed to be freer, with all the IAs, EE, TOK........gone. but mann, no way man.
that geog IA is honestly ______. it's turning into such a farce, i'm becoming numb to all the repeated reminders to submit. EE too. blah. and there's just so many irritating details required to take note of when trying to do up my CAS file.
oh. and then there's the small issue of results. hah, i'm sorry, i really don't know what to say or make of it really. i'm not even gonna bother to sound angry or sad or emo or anything 'cuz it's just beyond any form of description at all.
okay, then there's IOC. enough said.
life. sigh, life.
that geog IA is honestly ______. it's turning into such a farce, i'm becoming numb to all the repeated reminders to submit. EE too. blah. and there's just so many irritating details required to take note of when trying to do up my CAS file.
oh. and then there's the small issue of results. hah, i'm sorry, i really don't know what to say or make of it really. i'm not even gonna bother to sound angry or sad or emo or anything 'cuz it's just beyond any form of description at all.
okay, then there's IOC. enough said.
life. sigh, life.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
recently, i've been noticing a sudden huge surge of interest in anything to do with our dear friend michael jackson. michael jackson craze is seriously present big time everywhere. all the shops are playing his music, news of him is everywhere in the papers, in the news, on the internet...my friends are watching his videos on youtube and falling madly in love with him...
i think it's just so sad that it had to take his death for people to finally realize what they had not treasured all this while. friends are watching his interviews and telling me "ohh so sad, his life was so pitiful.." and so on. oh wellsz.
i think it's just so sad that it had to take his death for people to finally realize what they had not treasured all this while. friends are watching his interviews and telling me "ohh so sad, his life was so pitiful.." and so on. oh wellsz.
Monday, July 13, 2009
the other day, i saw a random moth resting on a ledge in my doorway. and i wanted to get rid of it, 'cuz i was about to sleep and i didn't want it flying around in the dark and possibly brushing me in the process. insects are urghh :/
so i was brainstorming all the possible ways of getting rid of it. after consideration, i decided to use my super duper power fan. that fan is insane i tell you. it's so powerful i don't like using it. it blows my papers all over and makes it hard to get anything done. it's one of those stand fans that lets you select levels one to three, and even level one is ridiculously powerful. i thought, that's certainly gonna get that moth moving in a hurry. so i took out that behemoth of a fan, set it at the highest fan speed possible (which is probably comparable to a mini hurricane), and blasted it straight at the revolting thing.
the wings and feelers and everything started flapping furiously in all directions like crazy...but the retarded moth clung on. i was like, what the! its wings were flapping around like the flag you see high in the sky at the national day parade, and still, it clung on to the ledge.
determined to remove its wretched presence, i carried the fan and brought it even closer to the thing. the gust was blasting straight at the moth, its wings looked as if they were about to fall off any moment, its feelers were vibrating more than a, well a whateverrrrr... and still, it clung on for dear life, refusing to budge. i'm standing there scratching my head and thinking what the pong is wrong with this idiot of a moth. instead of using all its energy to stubbornly cling on to that miserable ledge, why doesn't it just fly away and go somewhere else where it can rest properly, instead of fighting against some evil force trying desperate to blow it off the face of the earth! leave me alone mann!
in the end, i gave up. a measly miserable moth triumphed over me and my hurricane of a fan. lol -.-
so i was brainstorming all the possible ways of getting rid of it. after consideration, i decided to use my super duper power fan. that fan is insane i tell you. it's so powerful i don't like using it. it blows my papers all over and makes it hard to get anything done. it's one of those stand fans that lets you select levels one to three, and even level one is ridiculously powerful. i thought, that's certainly gonna get that moth moving in a hurry. so i took out that behemoth of a fan, set it at the highest fan speed possible (which is probably comparable to a mini hurricane), and blasted it straight at the revolting thing.
the wings and feelers and everything started flapping furiously in all directions like crazy...but the retarded moth clung on. i was like, what the! its wings were flapping around like the flag you see high in the sky at the national day parade, and still, it clung on to the ledge.
determined to remove its wretched presence, i carried the fan and brought it even closer to the thing. the gust was blasting straight at the moth, its wings looked as if they were about to fall off any moment, its feelers were vibrating more than a, well a whateverrrrr... and still, it clung on for dear life, refusing to budge. i'm standing there scratching my head and thinking what the pong is wrong with this idiot of a moth. instead of using all its energy to stubbornly cling on to that miserable ledge, why doesn't it just fly away and go somewhere else where it can rest properly, instead of fighting against some evil force trying desperate to blow it off the face of the earth! leave me alone mann!
in the end, i gave up. a measly miserable moth triumphed over me and my hurricane of a fan. lol -.-
Saturday, June 27, 2009
A tribute to Michael Joseph Jackson
Dearest Michael,
Even as I sit here typing these painful words, I struggle to come to terms with your untimely passing. My heart aches with a longing for your continued presence with us. It is so difficult to come to terms with and accept your all-too-sudden departure.
I fondly recall the early days when I first came to know about you and the unrivalled genius you were. I was captivated by your scintillating beats, grooves and vibes. You stole my heart and from then on, I inevitably took a great interest in not just your peerless music, but also your life which continues to fascinate me to this very day.
And what a life you lived!
I recall reading about your history, and watching documentary after documentary about your life in general, from your tender years as an indispensible part of the Jackson 5, right through to your later days as the despicable media increasingly criticized and hounded you for every single act and word they deemed inappropriate, with barely a thought for your emotions and well-being. I recall with a burning anger and sorrowful pain, how almost the entire world turned against you in your time of need throughout the numerous baseless and unfounded accusations aimed coldly and hatefully at you. I remember doing my part in defending you from my schoolmates and others who blindly joined the increasing chorus of protests against your every word and action. Thankfully, justice prevailed and you triumphed over the evil forces of lies and deception aimed solely at bringing you down from your rightful lofty perch at the pinnacle of the entertainment world. I recall the level of vindication I felt upon hearing that your good name had finally been cleared.
As the years floated by, I grew more and more fascinated with your lifestyle. Even as the vast majority criticized you for your fantasy-like ranch, activities and behaviour, I was enchanted by your zoo, your amusement park and certainly, your charity, which reached out to so many organizations and people. I greatly longed for a chance to meet you in person, though that will now forever remain an unfulfilled dream.
It is such a pity that the world will not get to witness the 50 great performances you had planned for us. You had been working so long and hard on putting on a terrific show for us, and ought to have the opportunity to do what you love doing and show us again just what you are capable of.
Dear Friend, even as your life on this earth comes to a premature end, rest assured that your music and influence will live on in the hearts, minds and souls of many. You will remain a major source of inspiration to the many aspiring performers out there, struggling to make even a fraction of the impact you made on the world. Having toiled away at your magical music, and fought many hard battles, may you now find true rest in a better place. As the final curtain falls on one of the greatest shows of all time, allow us to give you the loudest and longest standing ovation anyone has ever received and will ever receive.
With an unbridled love and a heavy heart,
Even as I sit here typing these painful words, I struggle to come to terms with your untimely passing. My heart aches with a longing for your continued presence with us. It is so difficult to come to terms with and accept your all-too-sudden departure.
I fondly recall the early days when I first came to know about you and the unrivalled genius you were. I was captivated by your scintillating beats, grooves and vibes. You stole my heart and from then on, I inevitably took a great interest in not just your peerless music, but also your life which continues to fascinate me to this very day.
And what a life you lived!
I recall reading about your history, and watching documentary after documentary about your life in general, from your tender years as an indispensible part of the Jackson 5, right through to your later days as the despicable media increasingly criticized and hounded you for every single act and word they deemed inappropriate, with barely a thought for your emotions and well-being. I recall with a burning anger and sorrowful pain, how almost the entire world turned against you in your time of need throughout the numerous baseless and unfounded accusations aimed coldly and hatefully at you. I remember doing my part in defending you from my schoolmates and others who blindly joined the increasing chorus of protests against your every word and action. Thankfully, justice prevailed and you triumphed over the evil forces of lies and deception aimed solely at bringing you down from your rightful lofty perch at the pinnacle of the entertainment world. I recall the level of vindication I felt upon hearing that your good name had finally been cleared.
As the years floated by, I grew more and more fascinated with your lifestyle. Even as the vast majority criticized you for your fantasy-like ranch, activities and behaviour, I was enchanted by your zoo, your amusement park and certainly, your charity, which reached out to so many organizations and people. I greatly longed for a chance to meet you in person, though that will now forever remain an unfulfilled dream.
It is such a pity that the world will not get to witness the 50 great performances you had planned for us. You had been working so long and hard on putting on a terrific show for us, and ought to have the opportunity to do what you love doing and show us again just what you are capable of.
Dear Friend, even as your life on this earth comes to a premature end, rest assured that your music and influence will live on in the hearts, minds and souls of many. You will remain a major source of inspiration to the many aspiring performers out there, struggling to make even a fraction of the impact you made on the world. Having toiled away at your magical music, and fought many hard battles, may you now find true rest in a better place. As the final curtain falls on one of the greatest shows of all time, allow us to give you the loudest and longest standing ovation anyone has ever received and will ever receive.
With an unbridled love and a heavy heart,
Thursday, June 18, 2009
i'll be on your side forever more, that's what friends are for.
what's in a friendship? what is it between two people that makes them consider each other friends? how are friends supposed to behave towards each other?
honestly, i'm rather confused.
i remember myself saying in primary school that i didn't need friends. like, i thought i could get through this world and its mess by myself. i'm not sure if i even thought about needing God. anyway, it's kinda different now ain't it.
but even as i socialize and make links with other people, i find myself wondering if certain people are indeed to be considered friends. what's a real friend like? what's the role of a real friend? how's a real friend supposed to behave in various circumstances?
sometimes i wonder if it is actually possible to maintain friendships for a long long time. isn't it true that people start to drift apart after some time? i often recall, "familiarity breeds contempt", and i guess i probably would have to agree.
i think, after some time, people start to take each other for granted. after a certain period of seeing each other on a near-daily basis, you start to think that he will always be there, no matter what. even if he goes away, it's just for a short holiday kind of stuff, he'll always be back. you slowly appreciate less and less what this person has to offer, and the qualities of this person slowly fade and become duller and duller, eventually rendering him nothing but another nameless face. perhaps it's like marriage, when initially, the couple are so enthusiastic about each other, and they are so madly in love with each other, and they just can't get enough of each other. every day begins with a huge hug and perhaps a slimy smooch or two, and ends with them getting nice and cosy in bed, cuddled together inseparably. fast forward a few decades (if they even make it that far), and they no longer feel that same passion for each other. instead of yearning to see and touch that once-flawless face and body, all they now see in each other is each other's flaws, such as placing the vase in the "wrong" place, setting the aircon at the "wrong" temperature, and perhaps even buying the "wrong" brand of tissue paper. they leave for work (separately) before the sun rises and don't get home till it sets. by then, they're too tired to do anything and just flop onto the bed and start snoring. which then becomes the trigger for yet another round of arguments. they don't realize how much they actually still love each other, until perhaps, something terribly wrong happens to one of them. and then the one who's left behind cries his heart out, "why did i fight with her every day!" but then it's too late. same for friendships. friends tend to take each other for granted, and don't fully appreciate each other, until one of them is gone, be it a death, or even just emigration halfway around the world. yes craig david, truly, you don't miss your water 'til the well runs dry.
sometimes i also wonder if it's right for one party to declare his friendship with someone else over. when does it become meaningless to continue a friendship? like, perhaps if he's constantly having to reassure his insecure friend about his perceived weaknesses, or perhaps if the friend constantly throws tantrums and hissy fits, going into these incomprehensible emo moments when only himself knows what's bothering him. and after recovering from the shock of seeing his friend behave so emotionally, he tries to coax him to talk about what's bothering him, but to his dismay and frustration, his friend refuses to talk, only asking to be left alone.
in a bid to further develop and enhance their friendship, he regularly calls his friend for chats, and also enthusiastically tries to meet him whenever possible, to catch up on life, and perhaps to discuss any issues that may require discussion and sharing. and yet, all his efforts are constantly met with stony indifference and cold detachment. he feels like he's the only one trying to maintain the friendship, with no effort from his friend at all. at times, it even seems to him that his friend is deliberately trying to distance himself from him. he feels sad, rejected, and utterly confused by his friend's icy treatment. what are friends for anyway? shouldn't they share their problems cares and concerns with each other? if one party constantly has to try to get the other to open up and share his problems, and if he has to constantly reassure him that regardless of all the digs and jibes, his flaws don't matter in the friendship, is this still considered a real friendship? isn't it becoming more like a personal counselling service?
and yet, his friend still refuses to talk, to bare his soul, to share with him just what is bothering him, instead retreating into his shell of cold comfort. frustrated by all the unexplained moodiness, weary of all the unrequited brotherly love, he wonders if he should bother any longer. a part of him wants to give up, and yet, as he recalls the joyous moments, the morsels of understanding and love they shared, he cannot tear himself away.
he is stuck, unable to stay put, unable to move on.
honestly, i'm rather confused.
i remember myself saying in primary school that i didn't need friends. like, i thought i could get through this world and its mess by myself. i'm not sure if i even thought about needing God. anyway, it's kinda different now ain't it.
but even as i socialize and make links with other people, i find myself wondering if certain people are indeed to be considered friends. what's a real friend like? what's the role of a real friend? how's a real friend supposed to behave in various circumstances?
sometimes i wonder if it is actually possible to maintain friendships for a long long time. isn't it true that people start to drift apart after some time? i often recall, "familiarity breeds contempt", and i guess i probably would have to agree.
i think, after some time, people start to take each other for granted. after a certain period of seeing each other on a near-daily basis, you start to think that he will always be there, no matter what. even if he goes away, it's just for a short holiday kind of stuff, he'll always be back. you slowly appreciate less and less what this person has to offer, and the qualities of this person slowly fade and become duller and duller, eventually rendering him nothing but another nameless face. perhaps it's like marriage, when initially, the couple are so enthusiastic about each other, and they are so madly in love with each other, and they just can't get enough of each other. every day begins with a huge hug and perhaps a slimy smooch or two, and ends with them getting nice and cosy in bed, cuddled together inseparably. fast forward a few decades (if they even make it that far), and they no longer feel that same passion for each other. instead of yearning to see and touch that once-flawless face and body, all they now see in each other is each other's flaws, such as placing the vase in the "wrong" place, setting the aircon at the "wrong" temperature, and perhaps even buying the "wrong" brand of tissue paper. they leave for work (separately) before the sun rises and don't get home till it sets. by then, they're too tired to do anything and just flop onto the bed and start snoring. which then becomes the trigger for yet another round of arguments. they don't realize how much they actually still love each other, until perhaps, something terribly wrong happens to one of them. and then the one who's left behind cries his heart out, "why did i fight with her every day!" but then it's too late. same for friendships. friends tend to take each other for granted, and don't fully appreciate each other, until one of them is gone, be it a death, or even just emigration halfway around the world. yes craig david, truly, you don't miss your water 'til the well runs dry.
sometimes i also wonder if it's right for one party to declare his friendship with someone else over. when does it become meaningless to continue a friendship? like, perhaps if he's constantly having to reassure his insecure friend about his perceived weaknesses, or perhaps if the friend constantly throws tantrums and hissy fits, going into these incomprehensible emo moments when only himself knows what's bothering him. and after recovering from the shock of seeing his friend behave so emotionally, he tries to coax him to talk about what's bothering him, but to his dismay and frustration, his friend refuses to talk, only asking to be left alone.
in a bid to further develop and enhance their friendship, he regularly calls his friend for chats, and also enthusiastically tries to meet him whenever possible, to catch up on life, and perhaps to discuss any issues that may require discussion and sharing. and yet, all his efforts are constantly met with stony indifference and cold detachment. he feels like he's the only one trying to maintain the friendship, with no effort from his friend at all. at times, it even seems to him that his friend is deliberately trying to distance himself from him. he feels sad, rejected, and utterly confused by his friend's icy treatment. what are friends for anyway? shouldn't they share their problems cares and concerns with each other? if one party constantly has to try to get the other to open up and share his problems, and if he has to constantly reassure him that regardless of all the digs and jibes, his flaws don't matter in the friendship, is this still considered a real friendship? isn't it becoming more like a personal counselling service?
and yet, his friend still refuses to talk, to bare his soul, to share with him just what is bothering him, instead retreating into his shell of cold comfort. frustrated by all the unexplained moodiness, weary of all the unrequited brotherly love, he wonders if he should bother any longer. a part of him wants to give up, and yet, as he recalls the joyous moments, the morsels of understanding and love they shared, he cannot tear himself away.
he is stuck, unable to stay put, unable to move on.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
the other day, while looking through my old messages, the concept of change suddenly came upon me and overwhelmed me. okay, maybe not overwhelmed, but still, made me think. or rather, made me think harder than i usually do. which isn't really saying much actually >< but oh wellsz. ANYWAYS.
so it just occurred to me that, clichéd as it may sound, people really do change. this change may be outwardly expressed, or it may not be. it may be obvious, or perhaps not so obvious. but nevertheless, it's still change. and i suddenly found it quite scary actually, when someone you've known for some time is no longer the person you knew. okay, perhaps this is overstating it. hyperbole. as in, it's not like the person is completely unrecognizable, it's not like this person behaves so differently, treats you differently, and so on. it's just that, when someone has assumed new identities, new roles in life, done things which you know have irreversibly changed his/her life, it's sorta scary, in a sense. it's like, you know he/she will never be the same person, ever again. i mean, even if the change is not outwardly expressed or obvious, you know he/she has permanently left behind a part of him/her, and is now permanently a different person, for better or for worse. and sometimes, you just don't want to let go. you don't want to let go of the person you knew. you don't want to let go of how this person used to be. i don't understand this desire to cling to the past, but somehow, it just feels uncomfortable leaving it all behind, and moving on in life, seeing the person do different things and behaving differently, even if only slightly differently, and above all, coming to terms with and accepting this person in his/her new self.
it gets a little nostalgic, thinking about the past, thinking about this person in his/her old self, thinking about the times, words, and thoughts shared with this person in his/her old self. and when you fast forward and look at this same person in the present, you get a little sad that it's just different now, that the past is all over now.
so it just occurred to me that, clichéd as it may sound, people really do change. this change may be outwardly expressed, or it may not be. it may be obvious, or perhaps not so obvious. but nevertheless, it's still change. and i suddenly found it quite scary actually, when someone you've known for some time is no longer the person you knew. okay, perhaps this is overstating it. hyperbole. as in, it's not like the person is completely unrecognizable, it's not like this person behaves so differently, treats you differently, and so on. it's just that, when someone has assumed new identities, new roles in life, done things which you know have irreversibly changed his/her life, it's sorta scary, in a sense. it's like, you know he/she will never be the same person, ever again. i mean, even if the change is not outwardly expressed or obvious, you know he/she has permanently left behind a part of him/her, and is now permanently a different person, for better or for worse. and sometimes, you just don't want to let go. you don't want to let go of the person you knew. you don't want to let go of how this person used to be. i don't understand this desire to cling to the past, but somehow, it just feels uncomfortable leaving it all behind, and moving on in life, seeing the person do different things and behaving differently, even if only slightly differently, and above all, coming to terms with and accepting this person in his/her new self.
it gets a little nostalgic, thinking about the past, thinking about this person in his/her old self, thinking about the times, words, and thoughts shared with this person in his/her old self. and when you fast forward and look at this same person in the present, you get a little sad that it's just different now, that the past is all over now.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
closer to the sun ^^
phew, past few days have really been insanely insane, what holidays please >< i feel like i've been in a constant whirlwind, tornado, hurricane, tsunami, whatever, always rushing from one place to another, brain constantly bombarded with various stimuli shooting at me from all directions and angles. i need to sit down, and REST. TAKE A BREATHER.
i'm glad i've recently had a couple of talks with people i've been wanting to talk to regarding things, issues, that have been weighing on my mind. not any major, depression-inducing, cut myself sorta issues y'know, just a couple things that have been bothering me a little. perhaps confusing me a little as well. anywayzzz, i'm glad these sharing sessions took place, allowing me to understand things, and people, better. but oh well, life's complicated ain't it :-/
oh, had the NS medical thingy as well. uhmm, was okay, but hate the loads of waiting, waiting, waiting and waitinggggg.... and, was kinda, weird at SOME PARTS :X do all perverts and gays become doctors? heheh ;)
after that, had this nice little trip to this Mind Cafe place with friends, lovely night guys! but i felt a little weird at the place, the gaming over dinner concept, just not my sorta thing, sorry :O but great fun and company nevertheless!
oh, and apparently my dream of seeing Barry at the Emirates has been crushed by those ultra insane oil people at a certain Manchester City FC. damnittt, and Alonso looks set to be lured away to Florentino Perez and his second wave of galacticos at Real Madrid, so no Alonso at the Emirates as well??! ahh, shkrewwy, shitey, NOT cool ><
okay, i can see a very VERY busy and crazy 3 weeks ahead of me. wish me all the best!
i'm glad i've recently had a couple of talks with people i've been wanting to talk to regarding things, issues, that have been weighing on my mind. not any major, depression-inducing, cut myself sorta issues y'know, just a couple things that have been bothering me a little. perhaps confusing me a little as well. anywayzzz, i'm glad these sharing sessions took place, allowing me to understand things, and people, better. but oh well, life's complicated ain't it :-/
oh, had the NS medical thingy as well. uhmm, was okay, but hate the loads of waiting, waiting, waiting and waitinggggg.... and, was kinda, weird at SOME PARTS :X do all perverts and gays become doctors? heheh ;)
after that, had this nice little trip to this Mind Cafe place with friends, lovely night guys! but i felt a little weird at the place, the gaming over dinner concept, just not my sorta thing, sorry :O but great fun and company nevertheless!
oh, and apparently my dream of seeing Barry at the Emirates has been crushed by those ultra insane oil people at a certain Manchester City FC. damnittt, and Alonso looks set to be lured away to Florentino Perez and his second wave of galacticos at Real Madrid, so no Alonso at the Emirates as well??! ahh, shkrewwy, shitey, NOT cool ><
okay, i can see a very VERY busy and crazy 3 weeks ahead of me. wish me all the best!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
so fc barcelona, campeónes of europe, well done and congrats! i must say though, that i'm not really a great fan of them. i'm feeling so upbeat about their champions league victory simply 'cuz they destroyed manchester united :D :D :D yes, very personal stuff here, but oh wellz ^^
but i think credit to them, they played really well. i think Eto'o was exceptionally wonderful. but his goal painfully reminded me of THAT heartbreak 3 years back -.- same sort of goal: cut in, near post...only different side lolz. oh and i think Puyol was great! love his style, seriously. and yes, Pique, that guy. i think he really shoved it all back down united's throats with that one heck of a performance on the night. in my opinion, he put in a near-flawless display, constantly alert to any danger, mopping up the occasional mess left by Toure, etc etc etc... honestly, what else to say? i think they were great, really. Iniesta, Xavi, Messi... really, hats off to all of them! and that 38-year old Guardiola, making his 67-year old counterpart look silly, goodness!
oh, and i finally had a spin on the Singapore Flyer! :-) haha, quite cool, but i sorta expected a more spectacular view at the peak >< oh well, it was okaaaay :| oh, and i was thinking it would be quite cool for the flyer to have a glass bottom, whoooo, exciting muchhhh!!! but then again, it probably would make lots of people freak out!
right now i'm trying to reduce my TOK essay by about 70 words for the final submission, ahh damn, sickening. but it's gonna be over soon!
oh mother, this june "vacation" is gonna be _____. but i refuse to let myself drown in work, nope nope. life is more than that! so there, take that!
i have been chosen to run with the wind
but i think credit to them, they played really well. i think Eto'o was exceptionally wonderful. but his goal painfully reminded me of THAT heartbreak 3 years back -.- same sort of goal: cut in, near post...only different side lolz. oh and i think Puyol was great! love his style, seriously. and yes, Pique, that guy. i think he really shoved it all back down united's throats with that one heck of a performance on the night. in my opinion, he put in a near-flawless display, constantly alert to any danger, mopping up the occasional mess left by Toure, etc etc etc... honestly, what else to say? i think they were great, really. Iniesta, Xavi, Messi... really, hats off to all of them! and that 38-year old Guardiola, making his 67-year old counterpart look silly, goodness!
oh, and i finally had a spin on the Singapore Flyer! :-) haha, quite cool, but i sorta expected a more spectacular view at the peak >< oh well, it was okaaaay :| oh, and i was thinking it would be quite cool for the flyer to have a glass bottom, whoooo, exciting muchhhh!!! but then again, it probably would make lots of people freak out!
right now i'm trying to reduce my TOK essay by about 70 words for the final submission, ahh damn, sickening. but it's gonna be over soon!
oh mother, this june "vacation" is gonna be _____. but i refuse to let myself drown in work, nope nope. life is more than that! so there, take that!
i have been chosen to run with the wind
Saturday, May 23, 2009
awesome HC dance night! <333 really cool, watching them shake it, and inevitably, i started thinking about my own upcoming thingum in august, and gosh, so very shkrewwed, i really need time and discipline to practise practise practise!!!! sigh, if only i were HALF their standard...
but didn't really enjoy the chinese dance parts heh =/ nothing personal, just my preference!
and the piggy's fetish for dark places, randomly walking around the neighbourhood at night to soak in the dark, what the! dark deserted places freak me out, urghh =X
and oh, tomorrow marks the end of the 08-09 EPL season. man, what a swashbuckling season, from the early dominance of liverpool, to their faded mid-season, to their subsequent revival and manchester united's wobble, the resulting hope for 'pool, followed by their ultimate failure, right up to the relegation dogfight taking place tomorrow, together with all the conspiracy theories, with united certainly having an eye on their champions league final.
but i'm really disappointed that arsenal have had another season of mediocrity (by their standards) and unfulfilled potential. i mean, to be honest, while i'm certainly not turning away from them, i must admit this constant talk about the future is getting rather irritating, and it's sounding increasingly like a mere tired excuse for arsenal's repeated failures. i mean, Wenger keeps talking about the great future of the club, but are these talented players going to stay to fulfill their potential at arsenal, if they keep seeing failure NOW? in my opinion (although i could be wrong), a classic proof of this point is Flamini's departure. he certainly was one of those earmarked by Wenger to grow and develop at arsenal, to fulfill his immense potential at arsenal, to contribute to arsenal's future glory, but after seeing that arsenal weren't achieving anything NOW, he decided to say au revoir to the professor Monsieur Wenger. (note: this is what i gather from news, etc, and my personal opinions, but we can never be sure of the exact situation over there can we?)
so anyway, if this were the case, honestly i don't think we can blame him y'know. i mean, a guy's gotta look after himself right? if he sees season after season of failure, you can't expect him to sit around and wait for that hallowed FUTURE can you? he's gotta look around and see where he can add to his trophy cabinet asap. in such a profession, time is never on your side right?
well, 09-10 beckons, and personally, i hope Wenger uses more cash. below are some of my ideas, however improbable some may be. just my humble two cents' worth of suggestions, i'm sure Wenger knows what he's doing.
1. all the talk's about Barry heading for 'pool, but i would love to see arsenal hijack him. i think he would be a great addition, perhaps finally filling the void left by Vieira. failing that, perhaps Alonso and his insane rocket missiles from the halfway line? then 'pool can go ahead and have their Barry haha..
2. if they're looking for a central defender, perhaps have a look at the manchester city duo of Richards or Kompany? i think their versatility would be a huge plus, being capable of filling in well at right back and central midfield respectively.
3. i'm a huge admirer of Deutsch duo Podolski and Schweinsteiger, but then again of course they come across as those typically "non-English type" of player, and you wonder how they would fare in the rough-and-tumble of the EPL.
4. if Downing doesn't fancy playing in the championship, where middlesbrough look likely to be playing, why not the lush fields of the emirates?
well then, we shall see!
but didn't really enjoy the chinese dance parts heh =/ nothing personal, just my preference!
and the piggy's fetish for dark places, randomly walking around the neighbourhood at night to soak in the dark, what the! dark deserted places freak me out, urghh =X
and oh, tomorrow marks the end of the 08-09 EPL season. man, what a swashbuckling season, from the early dominance of liverpool, to their faded mid-season, to their subsequent revival and manchester united's wobble, the resulting hope for 'pool, followed by their ultimate failure, right up to the relegation dogfight taking place tomorrow, together with all the conspiracy theories, with united certainly having an eye on their champions league final.
but i'm really disappointed that arsenal have had another season of mediocrity (by their standards) and unfulfilled potential. i mean, to be honest, while i'm certainly not turning away from them, i must admit this constant talk about the future is getting rather irritating, and it's sounding increasingly like a mere tired excuse for arsenal's repeated failures. i mean, Wenger keeps talking about the great future of the club, but are these talented players going to stay to fulfill their potential at arsenal, if they keep seeing failure NOW? in my opinion (although i could be wrong), a classic proof of this point is Flamini's departure. he certainly was one of those earmarked by Wenger to grow and develop at arsenal, to fulfill his immense potential at arsenal, to contribute to arsenal's future glory, but after seeing that arsenal weren't achieving anything NOW, he decided to say au revoir to the professor Monsieur Wenger. (note: this is what i gather from news, etc, and my personal opinions, but we can never be sure of the exact situation over there can we?)
so anyway, if this were the case, honestly i don't think we can blame him y'know. i mean, a guy's gotta look after himself right? if he sees season after season of failure, you can't expect him to sit around and wait for that hallowed FUTURE can you? he's gotta look around and see where he can add to his trophy cabinet asap. in such a profession, time is never on your side right?
well, 09-10 beckons, and personally, i hope Wenger uses more cash. below are some of my ideas, however improbable some may be. just my humble two cents' worth of suggestions, i'm sure Wenger knows what he's doing.
1. all the talk's about Barry heading for 'pool, but i would love to see arsenal hijack him. i think he would be a great addition, perhaps finally filling the void left by Vieira. failing that, perhaps Alonso and his insane rocket missiles from the halfway line? then 'pool can go ahead and have their Barry haha..
2. if they're looking for a central defender, perhaps have a look at the manchester city duo of Richards or Kompany? i think their versatility would be a huge plus, being capable of filling in well at right back and central midfield respectively.
3. i'm a huge admirer of Deutsch duo Podolski and Schweinsteiger, but then again of course they come across as those typically "non-English type" of player, and you wonder how they would fare in the rough-and-tumble of the EPL.
4. if Downing doesn't fancy playing in the championship, where middlesbrough look likely to be playing, why not the lush fields of the emirates?
well then, we shall see!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
carpe diem~
It's the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking
That never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dying
That never learns to live.
seize the moment, treasure the now.
That never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking
That never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dying
That never learns to live.
seize the moment, treasure the now.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
i really admire people who seem to have this unbridled, unconditional love for life, for living. theirs is a joy of living, a joy of the spirit, a celebration of their very existence.
it is this joie de vivre that is so terribly severely lacking in my life. instead, this all-pervading pessimism that makes it all look so bad, so bleak and gloomy. i don't know why it's like that. i don't think i've always been like that. perhaps life's beatings and buffetings have taken a real toll on me.
sometimes, in fact many times, i just want to sit back, relax, and shkrewwwww it all. like, seriously, heck care about every single shizz in my life. problem is, unless you get really emo and cut yourself or jump and die, doing that is gonna cause the shizz to come back with a vengeance and haunt you even more.
damn, even if all this can't go away, can't i even have a vent for surplus (emotion)??!! ahh damn, econs. *dies*
it is this joie de vivre that is so terribly severely lacking in my life. instead, this all-pervading pessimism that makes it all look so bad, so bleak and gloomy. i don't know why it's like that. i don't think i've always been like that. perhaps life's beatings and buffetings have taken a real toll on me.
sometimes, in fact many times, i just want to sit back, relax, and shkrewwwww it all. like, seriously, heck care about every single shizz in my life. problem is, unless you get really emo and cut yourself or jump and die, doing that is gonna cause the shizz to come back with a vengeance and haunt you even more.
damn, even if all this can't go away, can't i even have a vent for surplus (emotion)??!! ahh damn, econs. *dies*
Thursday, April 30, 2009
'cause we're living in a world of fools
the other day, i was going through my phone photos from like waaayyy back, and apart from reminiscing about random times gone by, a number of things hit me.
i noticed i used to go out after school a lot more than i do now. glancing through those memories of visits to the randomest places like fort canning, bukit panjang plaza, and pretty much anywhere else, i can't help but snap bitterly back to the present reality of EE, TOK and the like, which collude in vile, detestable, pernicious repulsion to deprive me of any semblance of relaxation after school. and i realize i'm getting pretty worked up now just thinking about this enforced preoccupation with work.
i also realized, stuff that occurred like a few years back, somehow seemed surprisingly recent. like, i was sorta surprised i could actually remember the exact circumstances in which i had taken each picture. none of the pictures seemed alien or distant, but instead remained fresh in my memory. i guess this is what makes photographs so alluring, so charming, so intrinsically beautiful. they wordlessly and silently remind you of your fondest (and perhaps not so fond) memories of the past which, without them, would have slipped silently away into oblivion. and somehow, looking at those pictures, a strange sense of warmth comes over you. the pictures don't necessarily have to be depictions of particularly significant or poignant moments in your life. even mundane activities and outings with friends, when captured on film and revisited some time later, induce a sense of inexplicable joy and sometimes, a yearning for the past.
and yet, at the same time, i do not feel uneasy or disturbed deleting pictures which i feel have no more relevance or importance to me whatsoever. i guess i understand that though these pictures may fill me with fond memories, i realize that we cannot keep living in the past, and like it or not, we've to move on, and find new joys, new beginnings, in new environments and circumstances. and i know that those deleted pictures will be replaced in good time, by moments just as good, if not better.

breaking us down
i noticed i used to go out after school a lot more than i do now. glancing through those memories of visits to the randomest places like fort canning, bukit panjang plaza, and pretty much anywhere else, i can't help but snap bitterly back to the present reality of EE, TOK and the like, which collude in vile, detestable, pernicious repulsion to deprive me of any semblance of relaxation after school. and i realize i'm getting pretty worked up now just thinking about this enforced preoccupation with work.
i also realized, stuff that occurred like a few years back, somehow seemed surprisingly recent. like, i was sorta surprised i could actually remember the exact circumstances in which i had taken each picture. none of the pictures seemed alien or distant, but instead remained fresh in my memory. i guess this is what makes photographs so alluring, so charming, so intrinsically beautiful. they wordlessly and silently remind you of your fondest (and perhaps not so fond) memories of the past which, without them, would have slipped silently away into oblivion. and somehow, looking at those pictures, a strange sense of warmth comes over you. the pictures don't necessarily have to be depictions of particularly significant or poignant moments in your life. even mundane activities and outings with friends, when captured on film and revisited some time later, induce a sense of inexplicable joy and sometimes, a yearning for the past.
and yet, at the same time, i do not feel uneasy or disturbed deleting pictures which i feel have no more relevance or importance to me whatsoever. i guess i understand that though these pictures may fill me with fond memories, i realize that we cannot keep living in the past, and like it or not, we've to move on, and find new joys, new beginnings, in new environments and circumstances. and i know that those deleted pictures will be replaced in good time, by moments just as good, if not better.
breaking us down
Sunday, April 26, 2009
this is so random but idc, i'm gonna go ahead and spit it out!
i realize what really makes me stressed about work is the fear that it's gonna go on and on and on forever. as in like, it's gonna be a constant stream of work, with no time for breaks, no time for anything else at all in my life, constantly burdened by my work, even when i'm trying to chill or have fun.
y'see, i don't think i'm really that worried or stressed about having work to do, in itself, as an isolated event. i'm not scared of like sizing up something big, and telling myself, okay let's do this, and after it's over i can relax. it's not the work itself that causes the stress y'know what i mean. i mean yes of course it's somewhat stressful to do work and mug and all that, but i think it's so stressful mainly 'cuz i keep being bothered by the fact that like, dammit man, this isn't all, after this still got this, and this, and this, and this etc etc etc...
so it's like it's just so irritating that it's a continuous stream of work, and like there's nothing to look forward to. so very unlike the old days where "finish your work fast fast and then you can go and play!" it's the fact that there's just nothing to look forward to, the knowledge that you still have a gazillion things waiting for you, that makes it so damn sickening and draining and demoralizing, it makes you go like, screw it, what's the point anyway =X
okay thanks for reading -.-
i realize what really makes me stressed about work is the fear that it's gonna go on and on and on forever. as in like, it's gonna be a constant stream of work, with no time for breaks, no time for anything else at all in my life, constantly burdened by my work, even when i'm trying to chill or have fun.
y'see, i don't think i'm really that worried or stressed about having work to do, in itself, as an isolated event. i'm not scared of like sizing up something big, and telling myself, okay let's do this, and after it's over i can relax. it's not the work itself that causes the stress y'know what i mean. i mean yes of course it's somewhat stressful to do work and mug and all that, but i think it's so stressful mainly 'cuz i keep being bothered by the fact that like, dammit man, this isn't all, after this still got this, and this, and this, and this etc etc etc...
so it's like it's just so irritating that it's a continuous stream of work, and like there's nothing to look forward to. so very unlike the old days where "finish your work fast fast and then you can go and play!" it's the fact that there's just nothing to look forward to, the knowledge that you still have a gazillion things waiting for you, that makes it so damn sickening and draining and demoralizing, it makes you go like, screw it, what's the point anyway =X
okay thanks for reading -.-
Friday, April 24, 2009
recently, it sorta occurred to me how much of my life's problems are pretty much related.
basically, it's like, okay i don't understand my work, so i can't do my assignments etc. properly, and it takes so damn long to do because i don't know how to do. so i end up spending lots of time on it, and i sleep late. so since i sleep late, i persistently feel so damn effing tired, and i want to sleep for as long as possible. so i wake up as late as possible. unfortunately, i always refuse to accept that i need at least like 30 minutes to get ready for school, so i always end up with not enough time in the morning, so i have to rush like mad, and sometimes i'm still late. and obviously all that trying to squeeze in an extra 5, 10 minutes of sleep doesn't help, when we're talking about losing HOURS of sleep to work, so i still feel tired anyway, even after trying to stretch my sleeping time. so i cannot focus properly, i cannot think properly, my brain is not functioning properly in school. so i can't absorb stuff properly, and then, it's back to not being able to do my work and taking so damn long. and ahh whatever, there's a whole lot more stuff regarding all this but i'm sick of it already. so shkreww it -.-
and viv tells me not to emo, so let's try to talk about happier stuff. uhmmm, okay, today i spent some time chilling with friends at billy bombers. nice to just screw it all and just relax for a while i guess. and and, CHEESE FONDUE OVERLOAD haha what the ______! seriously, idk what's gonna happen to my 2.4 timing =X
oh and, i bought guy sebastian's The Memphis Album. haha yes, i know, very slow =/ it's just a habit i guess, i always somehow put off buying until like, ages after the release. guess it helps increase my desire, so when i finally get it, i'll enjoy it more!! haha, i'm totally whacked i know -.- well, anyway, can't wait to listen. seriously, that GUY's totally ownage manz! hahaha geddit, that GUY is ownage =D
ah, okay guys, byebye. gonna enjoy his sexy voice now!
basically, it's like, okay i don't understand my work, so i can't do my assignments etc. properly, and it takes so damn long to do because i don't know how to do. so i end up spending lots of time on it, and i sleep late. so since i sleep late, i persistently feel so damn effing tired, and i want to sleep for as long as possible. so i wake up as late as possible. unfortunately, i always refuse to accept that i need at least like 30 minutes to get ready for school, so i always end up with not enough time in the morning, so i have to rush like mad, and sometimes i'm still late. and obviously all that trying to squeeze in an extra 5, 10 minutes of sleep doesn't help, when we're talking about losing HOURS of sleep to work, so i still feel tired anyway, even after trying to stretch my sleeping time. so i cannot focus properly, i cannot think properly, my brain is not functioning properly in school. so i can't absorb stuff properly, and then, it's back to not being able to do my work and taking so damn long. and ahh whatever, there's a whole lot more stuff regarding all this but i'm sick of it already. so shkreww it -.-
and viv tells me not to emo, so let's try to talk about happier stuff. uhmmm, okay, today i spent some time chilling with friends at billy bombers. nice to just screw it all and just relax for a while i guess. and and, CHEESE FONDUE OVERLOAD haha what the ______! seriously, idk what's gonna happen to my 2.4 timing =X
oh and, i bought guy sebastian's The Memphis Album. haha yes, i know, very slow =/ it's just a habit i guess, i always somehow put off buying until like, ages after the release. guess it helps increase my desire, so when i finally get it, i'll enjoy it more!! haha, i'm totally whacked i know -.- well, anyway, can't wait to listen. seriously, that GUY's totally ownage manz! hahaha geddit, that GUY is ownage =D
ah, okay guys, byebye. gonna enjoy his sexy voice now!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
first, i want to blog about soccer with churchies against mount carmel on saturday. manz, it was insane, in more ways than one. okay so i was expecting a sort of tiny pitch, given the venue of lianhua PRIMARY school?! but surprisingly, was sorta decent sized eh. well then, what else.. oh, the weather certainly was the most INSANE of all. like, totally whacked. i see from paul's post it was 35 degrees Celsius?! (haha pauly, i remembered to quote you this time, no more plagiarism!) yeah so uhmm, i'm not trying to be a wuss here, but seriously. can die =.= and uh, throughout the whole match, "eh gareth, relax ah!", "wah gareth, calm down abit leh", and uncle david "whoa gareth, playing with a lot of blood ah!" and the ref "there's too much pushing and foul play from you, next time, i'm not going to be so kind ah" LOLSZ =X haha, so fun what, what to do! but eh, i'm honestly so damn unfit, urghh. how to do army like that =/ and i messed up my left calf -.-but it was good. i had fun!
unfortunately, it's just these few slivers of time, these rare morsels of freedom when i can really let loose and heck care about all my work and forget everything. i realize most of the time, most of my LIFE, at least some part of my mind is occupied by work, like it's definitely bugging me, more or less. it's honestly very draining and frankly, irritating. i remember some time back, after the TOK oral presentation, my friend told me, "okay since TOK OP's over, today, i'm going to reward myself and chill for one day. I SHALL DO NOTHING TODAY!" okay, so it's come down to this hasn't it. a life in which taking a break doesn't mean going out with friends to town to chill, doesn't mean going to the movies, doesn't mean sitting and chilling at starbucks or coffee bean, doesn't mean talking about things we're dying to talk about. rather, relaxing after completion of a major piece of work is now reduced to simply doing nothing, because being able to do nothing is a real blessing in this ridiculously hectic hell-hole. what a piece of ____.
and now, even as i sit here typing this, i'm feeling so overwhelmed by all the stuff i need to do. (no, i'm not going to even bother typing out a list here, as seems to be the trend) basically, it's just crazy, and it's so absurd and farcical i don't even really feel the urge or the need to rush to do my work anymore. it's like, what's the point, what difference will it make anyway. so if you see me slacking around, joking around, seemingly without a care in the world, you would do well to note that it's not because i've suddenly managed to clear up all my stuff, it's because i really don't know anymore.
i don't know how to conclude this post properly, so i'll just say goodnight.
unfortunately, it's just these few slivers of time, these rare morsels of freedom when i can really let loose and heck care about all my work and forget everything. i realize most of the time, most of my LIFE, at least some part of my mind is occupied by work, like it's definitely bugging me, more or less. it's honestly very draining and frankly, irritating. i remember some time back, after the TOK oral presentation, my friend told me, "okay since TOK OP's over, today, i'm going to reward myself and chill for one day. I SHALL DO NOTHING TODAY!" okay, so it's come down to this hasn't it. a life in which taking a break doesn't mean going out with friends to town to chill, doesn't mean going to the movies, doesn't mean sitting and chilling at starbucks or coffee bean, doesn't mean talking about things we're dying to talk about. rather, relaxing after completion of a major piece of work is now reduced to simply doing nothing, because being able to do nothing is a real blessing in this ridiculously hectic hell-hole. what a piece of ____.
and now, even as i sit here typing this, i'm feeling so overwhelmed by all the stuff i need to do. (no, i'm not going to even bother typing out a list here, as seems to be the trend) basically, it's just crazy, and it's so absurd and farcical i don't even really feel the urge or the need to rush to do my work anymore. it's like, what's the point, what difference will it make anyway. so if you see me slacking around, joking around, seemingly without a care in the world, you would do well to note that it's not because i've suddenly managed to clear up all my stuff, it's because i really don't know anymore.
i don't know how to conclude this post properly, so i'll just say goodnight.
Monday, April 13, 2009
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh TOK OP IS OVER!!! shkrew you, you bane of my existence, threat to my health! over and done with you. no longer will you haunt me and torture me, for i am free from your evil clutches!!!!!!!!!!
okay, honestly, it didn't feel as bad as initially feared. it was sorta smooth sailing, and i even managed to garnish it with a few on-the-spot additions :-) yay me! haha, damn funny at the start, aries started singing the birthday song and then the markers found out it was me birthday. (so now that you know, thanks for my +5 marks, heh!)
me love goes out to all who remembered me, or wished me either in person, or on the phone, or on facebook, or even a combination of these, LOL! thanks much, folks, for everything yepp :-)
ahhh tiredszzz, nighty all :D
okay, honestly, it didn't feel as bad as initially feared. it was sorta smooth sailing, and i even managed to garnish it with a few on-the-spot additions :-) yay me! haha, damn funny at the start, aries started singing the birthday song and then the markers found out it was me birthday. (so now that you know, thanks for my +5 marks, heh!)
me love goes out to all who remembered me, or wished me either in person, or on the phone, or on facebook, or even a combination of these, LOL! thanks much, folks, for everything yepp :-)
ahhh tiredszzz, nighty all :D
Friday, April 10, 2009
man, still damn pi**ed at how i had to miss craig david's concert =/ see, at first, it was to be held at i think max pavilion or something. which was fine and good. then, for some reason, they changed it to zirca, so they had this age limit thingy, like 18. so his concert was like 2 days back, 8 april. so guess what, i couldn't attend one of me fave's concert because i missed the age limit thing by like FIVE days -.- and God knows when he'll come again. shkrewwy, shucky shizzz come on like seriously =.=
Stand up everybody
Get up now move your body
Straight up we're havin' a party
Cos tonight we're going all the way
so tok op is next monday (five extra marks as my birthday prezzies please??), and somehow, i'm not really feeling that nervy or worried =/ which is QUITE surprising, given that i hadn't really worked on it until like, 2 or 3 days back. ahh well, don't really wanna talk about it now, just shut up and touch up on it, talk about it after the thing.
and lol, what the ____, i've been told it's sorta troublesome to post comments here, so people are actually giving me comments in person, LOL.
Stand up everybody
Get up now move your body
Straight up we're havin' a party
Cos tonight we're going all the way
so tok op is next monday (five extra marks as my birthday prezzies please??), and somehow, i'm not really feeling that nervy or worried =/ which is QUITE surprising, given that i hadn't really worked on it until like, 2 or 3 days back. ahh well, don't really wanna talk about it now, just shut up and touch up on it, talk about it after the thing.
and lol, what the ____, i've been told it's sorta troublesome to post comments here, so people are actually giving me comments in person, LOL.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
"as i close my eyes, sit back while reminiscing" -
i can't help but increasingly feel the strain of constantly toiling away at work. i don't if it's IB, or it's singapore, or if it's just me. but whatever the case, i certainly find it quite disconcerting that here i am, during holy week, working my a** off on geog IA, EE, world lit, and to top it all off, TOK OP next monday, ON MY BIRTHDAY -.-
i mean, it's really not like that big a deal, working like crazy during holy week, i mean, it's not like some significant serious stuff, where the sky will rumble in protest and lightning will strike your papers/laptop and burn it up and stuff, but i just find it very, poignant. it's sort of like caused me to reflect on work, life, kind of stuff, how this crazy life of toiling away is taking such a toll on me. i am reminded of how in the midst of all this, i've been putting aside so many other interests and pursuits and commitments, just for the mad rush of trying to stay on top of my work. of course, since it's holy week, i am reminded of the importance of maintaining a healthy relationship with God even through all this nonsense, but this has also served to remind me of so much other stuff that has been unceremoniously dumped by the wayside, rudely displaced by work. i fondly recall those hour-plus conversations with friends, both on the phone and in person. i remember days when we would randomly hang after school, either outside or even within the school. i remember when we would chill in class after school, playing the guitar/singing/doing all sorts of retarded stuff. or perhaps play soccer and get all sweaty and gross, either after school, or even during breaks.
fast forward to year 6, IBDP 2. good gracious, great gollywogs, what has become of life! relaxing heart to heart conversations have been close to non-existent, not because of cooling of friendships, but because of a lack of time, to even just TALK. sharing of cares, fears, joys, even gossip, are replaced by rushed, hasty updates and complaints about work. "okay okay enough, need to go do work already ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, bye"
chilling after school is now a prized luxury that occurs as often as ____ (sorry, can't find an analogy, but ah well, you get the point). immediately after the bell, "okay, lemme make a list of what i'm going to do when i get home. 1.world lit 2.geog IA 3.EE 4.bio prac, okay tyvm bye bye!!!" (rushes off to get home to start tackling the list)
oh and breaks, what breaks eh? they're simply breaks from lessons, not breaks as in real BREAKS, when you rest. you see, they're now used to rush to complete work to be handed in later in the day =/
ah, okay back to TOK folks. what a great life, i know!
i mean, it's really not like that big a deal, working like crazy during holy week, i mean, it's not like some significant serious stuff, where the sky will rumble in protest and lightning will strike your papers/laptop and burn it up and stuff, but i just find it very, poignant. it's sort of like caused me to reflect on work, life, kind of stuff, how this crazy life of toiling away is taking such a toll on me. i am reminded of how in the midst of all this, i've been putting aside so many other interests and pursuits and commitments, just for the mad rush of trying to stay on top of my work. of course, since it's holy week, i am reminded of the importance of maintaining a healthy relationship with God even through all this nonsense, but this has also served to remind me of so much other stuff that has been unceremoniously dumped by the wayside, rudely displaced by work. i fondly recall those hour-plus conversations with friends, both on the phone and in person. i remember days when we would randomly hang after school, either outside or even within the school. i remember when we would chill in class after school, playing the guitar/singing/doing all sorts of retarded stuff. or perhaps play soccer and get all sweaty and gross, either after school, or even during breaks.
fast forward to year 6, IBDP 2. good gracious, great gollywogs, what has become of life! relaxing heart to heart conversations have been close to non-existent, not because of cooling of friendships, but because of a lack of time, to even just TALK. sharing of cares, fears, joys, even gossip, are replaced by rushed, hasty updates and complaints about work. "okay okay enough, need to go do work already ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, bye"
chilling after school is now a prized luxury that occurs as often as ____ (sorry, can't find an analogy, but ah well, you get the point). immediately after the bell, "okay, lemme make a list of what i'm going to do when i get home. 1.world lit 2.geog IA 3.EE 4.bio prac, okay tyvm bye bye!!!" (rushes off to get home to start tackling the list)
oh and breaks, what breaks eh? they're simply breaks from lessons, not breaks as in real BREAKS, when you rest. you see, they're now used to rush to complete work to be handed in later in the day =/
ah, okay back to TOK folks. what a great life, i know!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
ahhhhhh, goodness gracious me, can't believe this could ever happen to me, but king lear is seriously engulfing my entire brain now. i just can't stop thinking about it!!!!!!!! i can't stop reciting random quotes and great titanic speeches, and this old, foolish, gravelly-voiced man keeps dominating my brain!!!! ahhh....helpppp!!! what's happening to me!
Suspend thy purpose if thou didst intend to make this creature fruitful!
Into her womb convey sterility,
Dry up in her the organs of increase,
And from her derogate body never spring a babe to honour her.
If she must teem, create her child of spleen, that it may live
And be a thwart disnatured torment to her.
Let it stamp wrinkles in her brow of youth
With cadent tears fret channels in her cheeks,
Turn all her mother's pains and benefits
To laughter and contempt
That she may feel how sharper than a serpent's tooth it is
To have a thankless child!
heh, i typed that from memory by the way, whoooooooooooooooo :D
it's insanely addictive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suspend thy purpose if thou didst intend to make this creature fruitful!
Into her womb convey sterility,
Dry up in her the organs of increase,
And from her derogate body never spring a babe to honour her.
If she must teem, create her child of spleen, that it may live
And be a thwart disnatured torment to her.
Let it stamp wrinkles in her brow of youth
With cadent tears fret channels in her cheeks,
Turn all her mother's pains and benefits
To laughter and contempt
That she may feel how sharper than a serpent's tooth it is
To have a thankless child!
heh, i typed that from memory by the way, whoooooooooooooooo :D
it's insanely addictive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
so i was walking along, looking at the traffic, looking at the trees, looking at the people around me...anything to try and get my mind off work. i was thinking about nice songs i'd heard, trying to sing them without having people stare at me (see what see, never see people sing song is it?!)
so anyway, as i walked under a tree, i heard a distinctive call of a crow above. my mind immediately snapped to my horrible, dreaded, downright damned MATH PORTFOLIO ><
seriously, what the. perhaps i was even expecting a nut to fall right in front of me, to fit the question better =/ it's just how work is constantly swirling around, infiltrating every pore of my body, every deepest depth of my soul. it's omnipresent, and impossible to shake away.
recently, i was online at like 3, 4am, and it really amazed me how this trend, this culture, this religion of IBers being online at unearthly hours actually sort of turned into some sort of self-deprecating humour, with all the msn personal messages like 'bonding in the wee hours', 'sleep depriviant', 'note to self: never die from a viral illness' (HL math port hahaha), 'brainfugged', 'forget the acne. math port ans?', 'this late night zombie is blardee shacked' etc etc etc...
goodness me seriously. what a health hazard, you pesky little math port/IAs/EE/TOK...
so anyway, as i walked under a tree, i heard a distinctive call of a crow above. my mind immediately snapped to my horrible, dreaded, downright damned MATH PORTFOLIO ><
seriously, what the. perhaps i was even expecting a nut to fall right in front of me, to fit the question better =/ it's just how work is constantly swirling around, infiltrating every pore of my body, every deepest depth of my soul. it's omnipresent, and impossible to shake away.
recently, i was online at like 3, 4am, and it really amazed me how this trend, this culture, this religion of IBers being online at unearthly hours actually sort of turned into some sort of self-deprecating humour, with all the msn personal messages like 'bonding in the wee hours', 'sleep depriviant', 'note to self: never die from a viral illness' (HL math port hahaha), 'brainfugged', 'forget the acne. math port ans?', 'this late night zombie is blardee shacked' etc etc etc...
goodness me seriously. what a health hazard, you pesky little math port/IAs/EE/TOK...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
A little boy of thirteen was on his way to school
He heard a crowd of people laughing and he went to take a look
Thousands were listening to the stories of one man
He spoke with such wisdom, even the kids could understand
The hours passed so quickly, the day turned into night
Everyone was hungry but there was no food in sight
The boy looked in his lunchbox at the little that he had
He wasn't sure what good it'd do, there were thousands to be fed
But he saw the twinkling eyes of Jesus
The kindness in His smile
And the boy cried out
With the trust of a child
he said:
"Take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will
I surrender
Take my fears and my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all to feed them all"
I often think about that boy when I'm feeling small
And I worry that the work I do means nothing at all
But every single tear I cry is a diamond in His hands
And every door that slams in my face, I will offer up in prayer
So I'll give you every breath that I have
Oh Lord, you can work miracles
All you need is my "Amen"
So take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will
I surrender
Take my fears and my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all
I hope it's not too small
I trust in you
I trust in you
So take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will
I surrender
Take my fears and my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all
No gift is too small
He heard a crowd of people laughing and he went to take a look
Thousands were listening to the stories of one man
He spoke with such wisdom, even the kids could understand
The hours passed so quickly, the day turned into night
Everyone was hungry but there was no food in sight
The boy looked in his lunchbox at the little that he had
He wasn't sure what good it'd do, there were thousands to be fed
But he saw the twinkling eyes of Jesus
The kindness in His smile
And the boy cried out
With the trust of a child
he said:
"Take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will
I surrender
Take my fears and my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all to feed them all"
I often think about that boy when I'm feeling small
And I worry that the work I do means nothing at all
But every single tear I cry is a diamond in His hands
And every door that slams in my face, I will offer up in prayer
So I'll give you every breath that I have
Oh Lord, you can work miracles
All you need is my "Amen"
So take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will
I surrender
Take my fears and my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all
I hope it's not too small
I trust in you
I trust in you
So take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will
I surrender
Take my fears and my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all
No gift is too small
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
the weather's been swelteringly irritating. i wanted to run today but the insane ball of fire up there messed with my plans =( seriously, like 40 degrees??! plus, the heat zonked me out, so i just collapsed on the bed and became unconscious for like, erm, some time. and it's really annoying because it's not like i'm so free to just sleep the entire day away -.-
and i guess i'm feeling so intrinsically cranky about work and stuff, i felt cranky and irritable while asleep >< idk how, just somehow, even while asleep, i could feel irritated.
and today, i ate bread with margarine with COFFEE POWDER. very cool =/ just sprinkle some coffee powder on the bread and there you go. lol. was just feeling very frustrated about the chronic lack of random food lying around so i just decided to create my own random nonsense food. it's quite fun actually, just letting go of natural caution and ignoring pointless conventions and just throwing together a mish mash of whatever i can find, heck care about how it might turn out. one day i shall come up with a fantabulous culinary creation and i'll patent it hahahahaha!
and i guess i'm feeling so intrinsically cranky about work and stuff, i felt cranky and irritable while asleep >< idk how, just somehow, even while asleep, i could feel irritated.
and today, i ate bread with margarine with COFFEE POWDER. very cool =/ just sprinkle some coffee powder on the bread and there you go. lol. was just feeling very frustrated about the chronic lack of random food lying around so i just decided to create my own random nonsense food. it's quite fun actually, just letting go of natural caution and ignoring pointless conventions and just throwing together a mish mash of whatever i can find, heck care about how it might turn out. one day i shall come up with a fantabulous culinary creation and i'll patent it hahahahaha!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
routine rant
okay here we go again.
math port, as expected, is killing me, it's cramping my brain and screwing my senses. honestly, i don't see how it serves to "develop students' personal insight into the nature of mathematics", or allows me to "experience the satisfaction of applying mathematical processes" or my favourite, "provide students with the opportunity to experience for themselves the beauty, power and usefulness of mathematics". -.- seriously what the. please.
now, i wanted to go on and tear into all the other stuff i've gotta do, but complaining about math port sickened me already. so nope. another day perhaps =/
math port, as expected, is killing me, it's cramping my brain and screwing my senses. honestly, i don't see how it serves to "develop students' personal insight into the nature of mathematics", or allows me to "experience the satisfaction of applying mathematical processes" or my favourite, "provide students with the opportunity to experience for themselves the beauty, power and usefulness of mathematics". -.- seriously what the. please.
now, i wanted to go on and tear into all the other stuff i've gotta do, but complaining about math port sickened me already. so nope. another day perhaps =/
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
help help. spamming EE. TOK's screwing up too. then again, what isn't heh. and i'm just too tired to do anything really. it's really quite irritating. i don't understand why after crashing one night, by not doing any work and just going to sleep early, i can still feel tired the next day. i think i'm experiencing chronic fatigue, where the fatigue is just so deeply ingrained into me that i can feel energetic and refreshed again only by doing something like sleeping for maybe 9-10 hours every night for 2 weeks straight. now this sounds like a perfectly reasonable mission, except that, well, to every IB-er, it's a luxury??
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
"The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right."
laugh? or cry?
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right."
laugh? or cry?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Is there anyone that fails
Is there anyone that falls
Am I the only one in church today feelin' so small
Cause when I take a look around
Everybody seems so strong
I know they'll soon discover
That I don't belong
So I tuck it all away, like everything's okay
If I make them all believe it, maybe I'll believe it too
So with a painted grin, I play the part again
So everyone will see me the way that I see them
Are we happy plastic people
Under shiny plastic steeples
With walls around our weakness
And smiles to hide our pain
But if the invitation's open
To every heart that has been broken
Maybe then we close the curtain
On our stained glass masquerade
Is there anyone who's been there
Are there any hands to raise
Am I the only one who's traded
In the altar for a stage
The performance is convincing
And we know every line by heart
Only when no one is watching
Can we really fall apart
But would it set me free
If I dared to let you see
The truth behind the person
That you imagine me to be
Would your arms be open
Or would you walk away
Would the love of Jesus
Be enough to make you stay
But if the invitation's open
To every heart that has been broken
Maybe then we close the curtain
On our stained glass masquerade
Is there anyone that fails
Is there anyone that falls
Am I the only one in church today feelin' so small
Is there anyone that falls
Am I the only one in church today feelin' so small
Cause when I take a look around
Everybody seems so strong
I know they'll soon discover
That I don't belong
So I tuck it all away, like everything's okay
If I make them all believe it, maybe I'll believe it too
So with a painted grin, I play the part again
So everyone will see me the way that I see them
Are we happy plastic people
Under shiny plastic steeples
With walls around our weakness
And smiles to hide our pain
But if the invitation's open
To every heart that has been broken
Maybe then we close the curtain
On our stained glass masquerade
Is there anyone who's been there
Are there any hands to raise
Am I the only one who's traded
In the altar for a stage
The performance is convincing
And we know every line by heart
Only when no one is watching
Can we really fall apart
But would it set me free
If I dared to let you see
The truth behind the person
That you imagine me to be
Would your arms be open
Or would you walk away
Would the love of Jesus
Be enough to make you stay
But if the invitation's open
To every heart that has been broken
Maybe then we close the curtain
On our stained glass masquerade
Is there anyone that fails
Is there anyone that falls
Am I the only one in church today feelin' so small
Monday, March 2, 2009
what a sweet lovely little acronym to remind us of the importance of the Bible!
and er, happy belated birthday acs, lol. quite a huge improvement since oldham's time eh..
ahh, help, constantly flooded with work. seriously, it's so ridiculous i don't even feel the urgency to rush anymore. it's like, rushing and working my a** off ain't gonna help anyway, there's always gonna be a mountain of work there. it's no longer those halcyon days when you "quickly finish your work so you can go and play" :_(
what a sweet lovely little acronym to remind us of the importance of the Bible!
and er, happy belated birthday acs, lol. quite a huge improvement since oldham's time eh..
ahh, help, constantly flooded with work. seriously, it's so ridiculous i don't even feel the urgency to rush anymore. it's like, rushing and working my a** off ain't gonna help anyway, there's always gonna be a mountain of work there. it's no longer those halcyon days when you "quickly finish your work so you can go and play" :_(
Saturday, February 28, 2009
ohmygoodness, today so whack like crazy!!
tiring tiring day at yishun, painting walls! 0.0 okay i still think it's sort of pointless painting walls as community service, i mean it doesn't really benefit the residents y'know what i mean? like, i don't think people really take time to stand back and appreciate these splashes of colour on their wall when they're rushing to work, to school, or rushing home to sink into their bed and unwind. perhaps more practical stuff would be better, like lift upgrading or something, idk.
but anyway, okay, quite fun. but sometime in the afternoon, the heat got really ultra, and it made me really zonked out.
sigh, piles of work beckoning me =(
tiring tiring day at yishun, painting walls! 0.0 okay i still think it's sort of pointless painting walls as community service, i mean it doesn't really benefit the residents y'know what i mean? like, i don't think people really take time to stand back and appreciate these splashes of colour on their wall when they're rushing to work, to school, or rushing home to sink into their bed and unwind. perhaps more practical stuff would be better, like lift upgrading or something, idk.
but anyway, okay, quite fun. but sometime in the afternoon, the heat got really ultra, and it made me really zonked out.
sigh, piles of work beckoning me =(
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
All the colors of the rainbow
All of voices of the wind
Every dream that reaches out
That reaches out to find where love begins
Every word of every story
Every star in every sky
Every corner of creation
Lives to testify
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silences when words are not enough
With every breath I take I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
From the mountains to the valleys
From the rivers to the sea
Every hand that reaches out
Every hand that reaches out to offer peace
Every simple act of mercy
Every step to kingdom come
All the Hope in every heart will
Speak what love has done
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silences when words are not enough
With every breath I take I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
All of voices of the wind
Every dream that reaches out
That reaches out to find where love begins
Every word of every story
Every star in every sky
Every corner of creation
Lives to testify
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silences when words are not enough
With every breath I take I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
From the mountains to the valleys
From the rivers to the sea
Every hand that reaches out
Every hand that reaches out to offer peace
Every simple act of mercy
Every step to kingdom come
All the Hope in every heart will
Speak what love has done
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silences when words are not enough
With every breath I take I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
Thursday, February 19, 2009
my oh my, past few days have been totally whack like seriously, been super duper ultra uber omega busy and just...aaarrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!! it's really been a whirlwind of epic proportions, and i rest assured that this is only the tip of the iceberg =( then again, perhaps it's because i sorta slacked last year =/ but i was so busy last year too!!!!
bio prac 23's been haunting me for weeks! and i'm so glad it's over. dead. buried. done and dusted. finished. gracious me, all the extra lab visits, smelling the antiseptic smell of the lab, endless visits to the plant shop, carting sodium bicarbonate solution and hydrilla around, and AND, having to put up with the persistant irritability and impatience of that woman =X
okay, anyway, under pressure FTW a gazillion times over! absolutely terrific mans, like really. i really really enjoyed it, i think it's really something we all can relate to, it really strikes a chord within! and, so funny!!! goodness, hilarious man! the pay-to-use toilet that's just so whack, and random exclamations of XOXO at just the right moments, and totally crazy classes, and and everything else!! awesomeszzz guys!!
well that was just a momentary respite, sigh. had to study for two tests this week, and nice one, knew about wednesday's geog test only on tuesday =/ there's really a never ending stream of work and stuff, tiring me out like mad.
IB, sigh.
bio prac 23's been haunting me for weeks! and i'm so glad it's over. dead. buried. done and dusted. finished. gracious me, all the extra lab visits, smelling the antiseptic smell of the lab, endless visits to the plant shop, carting sodium bicarbonate solution and hydrilla around, and AND, having to put up with the persistant irritability and impatience of that woman =X
okay, anyway, under pressure FTW a gazillion times over! absolutely terrific mans, like really. i really really enjoyed it, i think it's really something we all can relate to, it really strikes a chord within! and, so funny!!! goodness, hilarious man! the pay-to-use toilet that's just so whack, and random exclamations of XOXO at just the right moments, and totally crazy classes, and and everything else!! awesomeszzz guys!!
well that was just a momentary respite, sigh. had to study for two tests this week, and nice one, knew about wednesday's geog test only on tuesday =/ there's really a never ending stream of work and stuff, tiring me out like mad.
IB, sigh.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
okay, i know this is VERY VERY gay, and it's kinda meant for female people, but idc, i feel like doing it. Thanks viv!
01. What was the last song you sang in the shower?
Haha, i don't sing in the shower!
02. When was the last time you saw a friend?
Yesterday, in school.
03. Who was the last person you saw?
My momma.
04. What was the last thing you had to eat?
Big Mac! and insanely salty twister fries!
05. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Diet Coke
06. When was the last time you said "Bye" to someone?
A few minutes ago, on the phone.
07. When was the last time you showered?
A few hours ago.
08. What was the last movie you rented?
Haha, can't remember...way back in time
09. What was the last movie you saw in the theater?
Hahaha way back as well, lifeless shiz. The Day The Earth Stood Still maybe?
10. What was the last song you listened to?
Us Against The World-Westlife
11. When was the last time you kissed someone?
LOL, can't remember!
12. What was the last grade you received on a test?
AH, let's not talk about this =(
13. What was the last thing you said out loud?
14. When was the last time you felt scared?
Hahaha, can't remember...i'm such a brave boy hahaha =)
15. When was the last time you hugged someone?
Can't remember too =(
16. What was the last make-up product you used?
Hahahaha, some face cream thingy, years back when i was playing around with mum's stuff =D
17. When was the last time you played a musical instrument?
A gazillion years ago, the guitar
18. Who was the last person you thought about?
LOLLLLZZZ, my bio teacher Joogal! cos, i was worrying about my bio prac -.-
19. What was the last television show you watched?
Haha, idk. No time for TV. Like i said, lifeless shiz =/
20. Who was the last person you checked out?
Haha, i'm way too innocent for this kind of thing =p
21. What was the last thing you laughed at?
HAHA, Mr Joogal's antics, when i thought about him!
22. When was the last time you went shopping?
Last week.
23. What was the last compliment you received?
Sigh, so few, i don't remember any =(
24. When was the last time you had fast food?
Haha, just now.
01. What was the last song you sang in the shower?
Haha, i don't sing in the shower!
02. When was the last time you saw a friend?
Yesterday, in school.
03. Who was the last person you saw?
My momma.
04. What was the last thing you had to eat?
Big Mac! and insanely salty twister fries!
05. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Diet Coke
06. When was the last time you said "Bye" to someone?
A few minutes ago, on the phone.
07. When was the last time you showered?
A few hours ago.
08. What was the last movie you rented?
Haha, can't remember...way back in time
09. What was the last movie you saw in the theater?
Hahaha way back as well, lifeless shiz. The Day The Earth Stood Still maybe?
10. What was the last song you listened to?
Us Against The World-Westlife
11. When was the last time you kissed someone?
LOL, can't remember!
12. What was the last grade you received on a test?
AH, let's not talk about this =(
13. What was the last thing you said out loud?
14. When was the last time you felt scared?
Hahaha, can't remember...i'm such a brave boy hahaha =)
15. When was the last time you hugged someone?
Can't remember too =(
16. What was the last make-up product you used?
Hahahaha, some face cream thingy, years back when i was playing around with mum's stuff =D
17. When was the last time you played a musical instrument?
A gazillion years ago, the guitar
18. Who was the last person you thought about?
LOLLLLZZZ, my bio teacher Joogal! cos, i was worrying about my bio prac -.-
19. What was the last television show you watched?
Haha, idk. No time for TV. Like i said, lifeless shiz =/
20. Who was the last person you checked out?
Haha, i'm way too innocent for this kind of thing =p
21. What was the last thing you laughed at?
HAHA, Mr Joogal's antics, when i thought about him!
22. When was the last time you went shopping?
Last week.
23. What was the last compliment you received?
Sigh, so few, i don't remember any =(
24. When was the last time you had fast food?
Haha, just now.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
recently, i spotted this on shoban's blog. "Humans are full of flaws, the amoeba is one of the most perfect organisms"- Paul Cheong
i think paul cheong has made a wonderfully excellent observation. initially, it appears to be one of those type of "you guys will fail", or "you all are going to die" sort of comment that he is known for, but upon further consideration, i feel it certainly is very true, and it's really cool to think about it this way.
just think, there are literally a million things that could go wrong with the human body. there's an entire galaxy of ailments out there, from the minor cold which the whole world seems to be having right now, right through to the serious stuff like heart diseases and cancer and renal failure and stuff. and although we hardly look at it this way, don't all these illnesses arise at least partly due to the complexity of the human body? simply because if there are more parts, there is a greater chance of something going wrong!
now just look at the pathetic-looking amoeba. it consists of a grand total of ONE measly cell. now just how much can go wrong there?? isn't life a lot less complicated and free of worries for the amoeba? no such thing as organ failure or brain damage or lung cancer or WHATEVER!
i think this minimalist sort of concept certainly can be observed in our lives. even in technology. y'see, do you realize when some cellphone bug arrives, it's always those smart phones that get affected first? they just have too many functions for the bug to enter, and it's hard to protect every aspect of the phone. and when some wretched computer bug arrives, it's always those with the latest, most high tech operating systems and most sophisticated applications that get hit the worst. same concept!
so i think, humans are already complicated enough. let's not make life even more complicated for ourselves by indulging in scandalous and sneaky behaviour. let us do what we ought to do, and stay away from vice and immorality. let us learn from the amoeba!
i think paul cheong has made a wonderfully excellent observation. initially, it appears to be one of those type of "you guys will fail", or "you all are going to die" sort of comment that he is known for, but upon further consideration, i feel it certainly is very true, and it's really cool to think about it this way.
just think, there are literally a million things that could go wrong with the human body. there's an entire galaxy of ailments out there, from the minor cold which the whole world seems to be having right now, right through to the serious stuff like heart diseases and cancer and renal failure and stuff. and although we hardly look at it this way, don't all these illnesses arise at least partly due to the complexity of the human body? simply because if there are more parts, there is a greater chance of something going wrong!
now just look at the pathetic-looking amoeba. it consists of a grand total of ONE measly cell. now just how much can go wrong there?? isn't life a lot less complicated and free of worries for the amoeba? no such thing as organ failure or brain damage or lung cancer or WHATEVER!
i think this minimalist sort of concept certainly can be observed in our lives. even in technology. y'see, do you realize when some cellphone bug arrives, it's always those smart phones that get affected first? they just have too many functions for the bug to enter, and it's hard to protect every aspect of the phone. and when some wretched computer bug arrives, it's always those with the latest, most high tech operating systems and most sophisticated applications that get hit the worst. same concept!
so i think, humans are already complicated enough. let's not make life even more complicated for ourselves by indulging in scandalous and sneaky behaviour. let us do what we ought to do, and stay away from vice and immorality. let us learn from the amoeba!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
perhaps today served as another reminder to me that i must learn to stop overreacting to things, according to how i feel on the spur of the moment. that it is oh so crucial to be able to be calm and unflappable, take things on board and think through them carefully and cogently.
and what makes it even more sucky is that once you get into that horrid mood, it's very difficult and stressful to emerge from it, and it's really annoying to have to deal with so many mixed-up emotions within.
chinese new year festivities seem to be hotting up everywhere, everyone's getting the vibes. and in the midst of all these celebrations, something that really flummoxes me is why chinese new year always seems to be a much more greatly anticipated and celebrated event than the new year, as in 1 january. just look at the scale of it all, 2 days of public holiday, as compared to just 1 january, so much more pomp about it, with all the traditional visiting and reunions and red packets and all. now just why, is chinese new year always such a much bigger event than the new year? y'see, it's celebrated only by the chinese people. yes, okay they make a huge proportion of singaporeans, but the 'real' new year is celebrated by even more people! it's celebrated WORLDWIDE! it's a global, and (almost) synchronized event, while the chinese new year is celebrated only by like, china, singapore, and little pockets of chinese in the chinatowns of various countries? so i don't really understand why the festivities of chinese new year always exceed that of the 'real' new year.
ah well anyway. i don't care if cny is extended to like, a month if the accompanying holidays are extended too =D
and what makes it even more sucky is that once you get into that horrid mood, it's very difficult and stressful to emerge from it, and it's really annoying to have to deal with so many mixed-up emotions within.
chinese new year festivities seem to be hotting up everywhere, everyone's getting the vibes. and in the midst of all these celebrations, something that really flummoxes me is why chinese new year always seems to be a much more greatly anticipated and celebrated event than the new year, as in 1 january. just look at the scale of it all, 2 days of public holiday, as compared to just 1 january, so much more pomp about it, with all the traditional visiting and reunions and red packets and all. now just why, is chinese new year always such a much bigger event than the new year? y'see, it's celebrated only by the chinese people. yes, okay they make a huge proportion of singaporeans, but the 'real' new year is celebrated by even more people! it's celebrated WORLDWIDE! it's a global, and (almost) synchronized event, while the chinese new year is celebrated only by like, china, singapore, and little pockets of chinese in the chinatowns of various countries? so i don't really understand why the festivities of chinese new year always exceed that of the 'real' new year.
ah well anyway. i don't care if cny is extended to like, a month if the accompanying holidays are extended too =D
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
okay, i think my health has just taken yet another turn for the worse. began to feel kind of feverish today, thanks for generously sharing your bug yt! so now, my body is ravaged by all sorts of illnesses you can think of, with loads of phlegm making my throat more congested than jakarta's roads, nose flowing faster than the niagara. and now, the head's experiencing these weird throbbing sensations. -.-
and now that paul's mentioned it, indeed, loads of people are falling sick. like, not the temporary illness you get when there's a deadline, but real, solid bugs that strike you down and keep you pinned there. i'm honestly half-suspecting there's some serious sort of vicious virus making the rounds out there =/
i realize there's this insane block of 1hr 40min mega lesson right at the start of most days. now this really sucks. real bad. what a way to start the day. and this reminds me of that ginormous super duper 2hr 20min econs lesson last year. seriously. if only lessons were no longer than 40 min.
funny thing is, for some reason, i'm finding it easier to keep awake during lessons as compared to last year. not that it's a complete breeze, but just, easier. well i hope it holds up.
oh and obama's inauguration was magnificent! splendid, that man. wishing him all the best! now what i don't understand is why there's this widespread hatred or disapproval of bush. i mean, okay he did leave behind unfinished wars and a crippled economy, perhaps things could have been better, but personally i feel he did a decent job overall. i'm no politics or world issues expert, and i can't exactly pinpoint any outstanding, remarkable achievements, but i just feel he's always put his country first and he's genuinely worked hard for his country. decent, humble servant, and deserves more recognition for his endeavour and spirit.
and now that paul's mentioned it, indeed, loads of people are falling sick. like, not the temporary illness you get when there's a deadline, but real, solid bugs that strike you down and keep you pinned there. i'm honestly half-suspecting there's some serious sort of vicious virus making the rounds out there =/
i realize there's this insane block of 1hr 40min mega lesson right at the start of most days. now this really sucks. real bad. what a way to start the day. and this reminds me of that ginormous super duper 2hr 20min econs lesson last year. seriously. if only lessons were no longer than 40 min.
funny thing is, for some reason, i'm finding it easier to keep awake during lessons as compared to last year. not that it's a complete breeze, but just, easier. well i hope it holds up.
oh and obama's inauguration was magnificent! splendid, that man. wishing him all the best! now what i don't understand is why there's this widespread hatred or disapproval of bush. i mean, okay he did leave behind unfinished wars and a crippled economy, perhaps things could have been better, but personally i feel he did a decent job overall. i'm no politics or world issues expert, and i can't exactly pinpoint any outstanding, remarkable achievements, but i just feel he's always put his country first and he's genuinely worked hard for his country. decent, humble servant, and deserves more recognition for his endeavour and spirit.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
i think today's message really impacted me, and really served to wake me up a little.
it was about loving one another, loving fellow believers, and i think this certainly is one aspect i could be more diligent in. 1 John 4:7-12 shows why it is the "plain duty" of believers to love another. i think this is significant for me, because looking back, i think i have treated my fellow believers somewhat nonchantly. as in, when i go about interacting with people, it doesn't really weigh on my mind that, oh, so and so is a Christian, etc. and because i don't look at them that way, because i see them simply as 'just another person', i cannot adequately perform my "plain duty" of loving my fellow believers.
and then pastor bernard said that "love is a defining mark of a Christian". so if i haven't been being actively aware that so and so is a believer, and hence i don't consciously love him as a fellow Christian, then doesn't this "defining mark" become a lot less prominent in me? and doesn't that mean that i am not properly displaying the presence of God in my life, and not being a good testimony for Him?
he also explained the importance of fellowshipping in small groups, which again, i felt is very relevant to me. he said that it is in our groups that we can adequately demonstrate and express this love for one another, since it is of course impossible to achieve that level of intimacy within the entire congregation.
so dear God, help us love one another because You are love, because You loved us in Christ, and because Your love is thereby seen in our love.
it was about loving one another, loving fellow believers, and i think this certainly is one aspect i could be more diligent in. 1 John 4:7-12 shows why it is the "plain duty" of believers to love another. i think this is significant for me, because looking back, i think i have treated my fellow believers somewhat nonchantly. as in, when i go about interacting with people, it doesn't really weigh on my mind that, oh, so and so is a Christian, etc. and because i don't look at them that way, because i see them simply as 'just another person', i cannot adequately perform my "plain duty" of loving my fellow believers.
and then pastor bernard said that "love is a defining mark of a Christian". so if i haven't been being actively aware that so and so is a believer, and hence i don't consciously love him as a fellow Christian, then doesn't this "defining mark" become a lot less prominent in me? and doesn't that mean that i am not properly displaying the presence of God in my life, and not being a good testimony for Him?
he also explained the importance of fellowshipping in small groups, which again, i felt is very relevant to me. he said that it is in our groups that we can adequately demonstrate and express this love for one another, since it is of course impossible to achieve that level of intimacy within the entire congregation.
so dear God, help us love one another because You are love, because You loved us in Christ, and because Your love is thereby seen in our love.
Friday, January 16, 2009
feeling sick. been this way since yesterday. or the day before yesterday. or rather night. or rather, when i was lying down waiting for sleep to turn to wakefulness. anyway, it sucks. but it seems to give me this gravelly voice which, as i was told, sounds nice.
2hr 20min of econs today was no joke. quite the opposite really. i think keynes is a really irritating man. or half man. multiplier and accelerator stuff is seriously a huge pain.
paddy clarke HAHAHA! now that book is some serious shiz. so now i know it's possible to win the booker prize simply by narrating random events that happen around you. like, oh i see a cat licking itself. i walked down to the jetty. the ships came in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours. the sea was calm. the skies are blue, the clouds are white, the trees are green. i walked down the beach and listened to the sound of the waves lapping against the shore. liam and aidan wanted to go home. to their mum-less home. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........
but it's irish, that's cool :D
2hr 20min of econs today was no joke. quite the opposite really. i think keynes is a really irritating man. or half man. multiplier and accelerator stuff is seriously a huge pain.
paddy clarke HAHAHA! now that book is some serious shiz. so now i know it's possible to win the booker prize simply by narrating random events that happen around you. like, oh i see a cat licking itself. i walked down to the jetty. the ships came in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours. the sea was calm. the skies are blue, the clouds are white, the trees are green. i walked down the beach and listened to the sound of the waves lapping against the shore. liam and aidan wanted to go home. to their mum-less home. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........
but it's irish, that's cool :D
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
i need to be more witty, like, be able to come up with stuff on the spot.
and i think my body's really breaking down. physically and emotionally. that sounds emo. EMO. which reminds me. reason and emotion are two ways of knowing which enable to see things not as they are but as we are. so there.
when violets turn red
and roses turn blue
and i think my body's really breaking down. physically and emotionally. that sounds emo. EMO. which reminds me. reason and emotion are two ways of knowing which enable to see things not as they are but as we are. so there.
when violets turn red
and roses turn blue
Monday, January 12, 2009
i'm really starting to feel that work is seriously getting in the way of forging bonds and maintaining existing ones. i just worry that in the midst of this crazy whirlwind of IB, there won't be time or energy to do anything other than work work work work and work. relationships deteriorate and health suffers. i really don't want to become so caught up in work that i lose sight of everything else. and i really don't want to lose people who are dear to me in that merciless maelstrom of EE, TOK, IAs, hardcore mugging and the like.
every day now feels like such a terrible drudgery. lessons, along with faces, simply float past and it gets really tiring. clichéd as it sounds, i want to get away from it all. but it's so impossible. it's all or nothing.
every day now feels like such a terrible drudgery. lessons, along with faces, simply float past and it gets really tiring. clichéd as it sounds, i want to get away from it all. but it's so impossible. it's all or nothing.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
i'm feeling quite apprehensive about school this year. like, i'm worried i'll really get too stressed or too panicky about exams and stuff, and end up with some really major problems. like, this time, really really, it feels quite stressful and scary y'know.
i mean like just ONE measly miserable week has passed, and it's already so bad. it's true, assignments, IAs and the whole world is really pouring, gushing, forcing its way in. it's true, IB is some serious shiz.
i'm really kinda concerned about how i'm going to be able to deal with all this and do well. omg, no please, i don't wanna be in year 6, really. please take me back to sec 1 NOW. or better still, back to primary 1. how about kindergarten. er, how 'bout not existing at all.
i mean like just ONE measly miserable week has passed, and it's already so bad. it's true, assignments, IAs and the whole world is really pouring, gushing, forcing its way in. it's true, IB is some serious shiz.
i'm really kinda concerned about how i'm going to be able to deal with all this and do well. omg, no please, i don't wanna be in year 6, really. please take me back to sec 1 NOW. or better still, back to primary 1. how about kindergarten. er, how 'bout not existing at all.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
of late, i have been making a conscious effort to smile more. i'm feeling quite pleased about it, because everyone has been telling me how spooky/creepy/angry/emo i look. and thinking back, indeed i think have been displaying a horrible expression, even when greeting people, or saying bye and stuff. so i told myself that i MUST smile more, so =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)
recently, i came across this article somewhere dishing out some well-meaning advice on preparing for the new year. one piece of advice that left a deep impression on me was something to do with surrounding yourself with people who really love and care about you and making an effort to avoid people who annoy you. i know this appears very straightforward and commonsensical, but i just felt that it's something very relevant to me, and it was a good reminder to me to be constantly aware of who my true friends are, and to appreciate them even more. looking back, i feel that in the past, perhaps sometimes i would be too eager to make friends and stuff, and i feel that many times, i have perhaps been too accomodating to the whims and fancies of others, and allowed them to exert their demands on me, and subconsciously allowed them to push me around. i also subconsciously allowed their words and actions to affect me, especially emotionally. however, it is with a clearer perspective now that i realize i can't please everyone, or make everyone love me, and there is no point in me getting affected by what some people have to say about me and to me. at the end of the day, i know who are important to me, and it is not worth my time and effort worrying about people who don't really care about me and are difficult to deal with.
have a blessed 2009 all. =D
recently, i came across this article somewhere dishing out some well-meaning advice on preparing for the new year. one piece of advice that left a deep impression on me was something to do with surrounding yourself with people who really love and care about you and making an effort to avoid people who annoy you. i know this appears very straightforward and commonsensical, but i just felt that it's something very relevant to me, and it was a good reminder to me to be constantly aware of who my true friends are, and to appreciate them even more. looking back, i feel that in the past, perhaps sometimes i would be too eager to make friends and stuff, and i feel that many times, i have perhaps been too accomodating to the whims and fancies of others, and allowed them to exert their demands on me, and subconsciously allowed them to push me around. i also subconsciously allowed their words and actions to affect me, especially emotionally. however, it is with a clearer perspective now that i realize i can't please everyone, or make everyone love me, and there is no point in me getting affected by what some people have to say about me and to me. at the end of the day, i know who are important to me, and it is not worth my time and effort worrying about people who don't really care about me and are difficult to deal with.
have a blessed 2009 all. =D
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