Monday, December 15, 2008

a tribute to william éric gallas

so. the past few weeks certainly have been tumultuous for gallas, there's no denying that. but why? what exactly is the problem here? yes to be fair, of course i can't be sure as well, as i am not in any way affiliated to arsenal or gallas himself, but merely one of the scores of arsenal supporters. whatever it is, it is evident that gallas has not endeared himself to many, and it is now cool to hate and criticize him.

i just felt that in the face of such vehement and vitriolic criticism, i had to come out and openly show my support for this man. yes, i agree that openly whining about the team's troubles to the media is certainly not the wisest or most advisable thing to do, and yes, he should not have done it.

but, i think we ought to consider the bigger picture. even if that was a mistake on gallas' part, i feel that i can understand why he was feeling so frustrated. certainly, being constantly in the spotlight heaps immense pressure on anyone, and in a moment of petulance, he cracked. that doesn't make his actions excusable, but i just wish people would be more understanding.

gallas' emotional protest last season against birmingham city has also been commonly cited. well, personally, i do not see any issue here, and from my point of view, it is a classic case of the media trying to whip up a frenzy over nothing, just to create a talking point and give themselves stories to run. to me, although gallas' actions were not exactly commendable, he certainly did not do anything wrong, and again, i can fully understand his frustrations at that time. furthermore, i feel that such an outburst of emotions clearly showcased his deep passion and enthusiasm for arsenal, his will and desire to win, and his unwavering commitment to the arsenal cause.

on this note of passion and commitment, i must highlight that on numerous occasions, i have seen gallas celebrating joyfully after a hard-fought win, gesturing emphatically at the arsenal fans, urging them to rejoice and revel in the moment. i feel that throughout his time at arsenal, he has always played with lots of heart. i truly feel that his passion for the club really shines through.

so william gallas, please continue the good work you have done for the club. may you keep your head up and be reassured that there are fans out there who appreciate your good work. here's wishing you all the best in your future endeavours.

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