Monday, October 6, 2008

year end exams over. and along with that, a lot more over too i tell you. like, the hope of ever doing well? ok, enough said.

the past few weeks have really flown past in a terrible maddening blur. mad rush for everything. i can't even like pinpoint exactly what i've been busy with, or why i get this feeling of RUSH, like i'm living in a whirlwind, some Hurricane Katrina or something. i really don't get it. just been feeling that my schedule's been ultra packed, leaving me with no room to breathe. i guess it's just the spectre of exams. when you're preparing for exams, everything gets blown up and magnified, and every tiny bit of syllabus content you don't understand becomes a greater-than-usual cause for concern.

and i really hate the timing of the F1 thingy. i mean, i'm not like some huge F1 fanatic or what, but i mean, you know, when there's so much hype and all, of course it's natural to feel excited about it. and it HAD to occur during this exam period, making it impossible to experience it properly. well, i'm glad about the way it turned out anyway. hamilton FTW! still trying to figure out how alonso won ><

i guess adding to this whirlwind effect would be, erm, my certainly added a lot more buzz and hustle and bustle to this crazy period.

well well well then, dreaded results coming up. and not forgetting that chinese ib exam in november.

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