Wednesday, October 8, 2008

yay i love this post-exam feeling. i mean, ok i know there's still loads of stuff to do, and loads of stuff i ought to have done, but i really love this 'no pressure' kinda feeling. it really feels great to not have pressurizing papers to prepare for, and not having to constantly worry about not remembering syllabus content etc etc...

exams periods always pass by with me in a semi-conscious state. i feel cut off from the rest of the world, drowning in the suffocating sea of academia. really no time, even no mood to relax and have fun. i really don't know how to adequately describe it, it's just a really horrid sensation.

well i realize a very common theme amongst jc 1 level students now is boredom. that, and a feeling of dread waiting for the results to be announced. well, today i went to school to work on that &^$#$%^&*(&$#@$%^&** tok presentation. yes yes, TOK PRESENTATION BELIEVE IT OR NOT!! it's really quite retarded i must say. i really do not feel like going through all the painful details about how i took so long to get a SUITABLE topic, and then how doing the slides was such a pain in the _____, and at the end of it all, FAIL. so here i am, spending my post exams working on TOK -.-

well, i'm glad to have finally come into contact with a soccer ball again. and, along with that, i realized that my current fitness level is like ^%$*&**&%#%$^& like, if i were to take a beep test now, i would probably reach like, level 0.5??!! anyway, i had quite an enjoyable kickaround, and i must say i'm REASONABLY pleased with my long range shots. seems quite satisfactory to me i must say, after like, a gazillion years out of action....

well then. see you guys around, anywhere.

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