looking back at the recently-concluded school year, i think i can say i'm thankful for the myriad of stunning experiences i've been through. naturally, i think 5.16 '08 have played a significant part in this astonishing escapade. now, i'm not about to openly declare my 'intense' or 'unconditional' love for my class with the usual stuff like 'you guys are the best', or 'love you guys forever, muacks', or 'you guys are da bomb, rock on man!' get the idea? beacuse i feel these oft-spotted lines are too, how to say, 'commercialized', and appear to lack sincerity and true emotion. truth is, i think it is really quite impossible for anyone to really feel that way about every single classmate =/
i think a more realistic and balanced approach would be to say that it has been a fulfilling and enriching year with my class. now, i must say i'm really glad that my classmates are who they are. honest. yes, it's not realistic to 'love each and every one of you darlings with all my heart and soul <3<3<3', but really, i honestly appreciate being placed in the same class as these dudes and dudettes. important thing is, although we may not all share similar interests, or enjoy the same music, or get the same jokes, or view issues the same way, i think we have this mutual acceptance and appreciation for one another, and we get along very splendidly indeed. and in my opinion, this is really respectable. this is what i really like and appreciate about this class. this harmony, this understanding, and this maturity to look beyond the surface value, despite all the differences at first glance. to attempt to use an analogy, perhaps it's like, furniture, paints and accessories of different shapes, sizes and colours. now, when you put them all together, either you get a messy mishmash of misfits, making the home look cluttered and an eyesore, or the uniqueness of each individual quality shines through and contributes to the overall diversity and vibrance of the home, giving it a brilliant and psychedelic effect. much like this home featured in the straits times on saturday.
so. this is what i feel about my class. looks rather pretty, no?
i remember at the start, so many strange faces, weird-looking people. (myself included lol ><) it was difficult to interact and communicate. then, after some time, i guess it thawed naturally, then WOW certainly spurred the thawing process on, and it certainly was an eventful experience. not necessarily always enjoyable and fun sort of stuff, but rather, it was the sort of, rich experience sort of thing. so basically, over time, i guess it got better and better, and barriers broke down. sure, cliques will always exist, but i think what's important is how people from different 'cliques' behave towards each other. get it? like, there will always be separate countries, the world won't suddenly become ruled by one government. however, some countries are at war with each other, while others sign peace treaties and free-trade agreements and all that stuff. i think point 16 has the latter situation going on, and i'm really glad about that. this is what i really love about this class.
well then. what a year it's been at school. try to have a good break! (though it's hard with eetokcasia &^&%$%^&*(*&^%$#@!#$%^&*()*&^%$@!@#$%^&.................)=D peace!